Chapter 4

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The first week is over, since I've been working at Altimari and I can't complain, it's really nice there, and I've learned a lot. Of course, with the university, it's a bit hard, but I can handle it.

I'm currently driving to a restaurant where I'll meet up with my friends, whom I've ditched for work and we haven't hung out in the last week. We would see each other at university, but it would be very short. It's the weekend and I decided to treat them to dinner.

I parked in front of the restaurant where the girls are already waiting for me. I was hoping that one day I would come before the two of them, but that hasn't happened yet.

"Welcome princess." Teresa said jokingly, because she knows that's what my dad calls me.

"Very funny, are we hungry?" I asked them.

"Always." Rosa answered.

Of course we are hungry. It is unimaginable how much the three of us can eat and we have a perfect line. At least I think so, because we really look good.

We sat down at our table and ordered a perfect lasagna that we can never resist.

"So Issy? We didn't finish the conversation when we talked on the cell phone the other day, and you never told us how you were doing at work." Teresa said, and I honestly don't want to talk about that conversation, because the last time I was at university, Raffaele was so boring with his stupid questions that I started to avoid him.

"I don't know what to tell you, because after that conversation, something happened... and I do not care for Raffaele.." she interrupted me in the middle of my answer.

"How do you mean something happened?" Rosa asked.

"Damien Altimari kissed me." The girls looked at me with wide open eyes in shock.

"What do you mean kissed. Kissed you on the mouth? Your mouth? Right on the mouth?" Teresa tried to ask a questions.

"He kissed me on the mouth." Rosa covered her face with her hands and Teresa looked at me without saying a word.

"Your reactions are slowly scaring me?" I told them.

"Are we referring to the same Damien who humiliated you at your birthday party?" One and only.

"It's that Damien. The person I still hate. The kiss didn't change anything, I just despise him even more. To make matters worse, the girl he humiliated me with works at the reception in the same company as me." The two of them look like they're not breathing.

"The Altimari company? She works there?" Rosa asked.

"Yes, her name is Barbara, no one likes her and from her stories I believe more and more that she has never been Damien's girlfriend, I honestly think there is much more to it than that she has never been his girlfriend, but I will find out." I have plenty of time to find out.

"You'll find out in time..." the waiter who brought our food stopped her.

"Ladies, enjoy your food. Call me if you need anything." Said the waiter and left.

"We'll continue talking later, maybe in a club if you're up for it?" The girls immediately had big smiles from ear to ear.

"You know, we never turn that down, especially when the atmosphere is good." Teresa answered, laughing.

"We know each other." I answered and continued to eat the lasagna.

The girls each sat in their car and I sat in mine. We decided to go to the night club where we always go. We already know everyone there, but we haven't been there for maybe a month because of all the exams, and there was a lot of content to learn. Now we can relax a little. The study break is about to start.

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