Chapter 10

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Today is not my day. Whyy!!

First, when I woke up and saw that it was 8:30 on the clock, not to mention that I forgot that I had university, and even worse than that, my car was in the company's garage. I've been driving with a taxi all day and after the university I went to work even though I still have three hours until the end of my working hours.

I entered the building where Barbara greeted me on her feet. I only need her.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Don't talk to me like that. I'm Damien's girlfriend and you're going to respect me, do we understand each other?" What is she thinking? She is nobody to me.

"Don't tell me what to do and how to behave because you are not my boss but an employee like me. I will see how you behave when uncle Marcus comes back. Then we will see if you will be full of yourself like this." She just returned to her seat without saying a word.

I allowed myself to be humiliated to a certain extent, but I won't do it anymore, I've had enough of it. Today is not the day to be told what to do.

I went into my office but Marissa stopped me. I did wrong because I didn't answer her, but I'm completely lost in my thoughts and I'm tired.

"Isabella, Mr. Altimari needs you." I still need him.

"Alright." I headed to the office and opened the door when I got there.

"You needed me Mr. Altimari?" I asked him.

He first looked at me and studied me well, but remained sitting on his chair with his arms crossed, as if he was angry. Maybe he's mad, I don't care.

"Yesterday you went to work alone and you didn't answer me, I called you twice and you didn't answer me, why did your car stay in the garage?" What kind of questions are these, there is no need to question me.

"That's none of your business." I answered him.

"It concerns me as long as you work in my company." He said seriously.

If he really wants to know, I'll be happy to tell him.

"I didn't answer because I didn't want to go into your office while you were doing some things that I don't want to see, and secondly, I didn't know that it was your number, and even if I had known, I wouldn't have answered anyway. As for my car, I had an agreement, so I didn't need a car because he came to pick me up. Do you have any more questions for me or is that all?" I hate him. I hate every part of him.

"Who is he? You were with a man?" It's interesting to him now. Why is he so interested in who I was with?

"If I wanted it to be known, then I would have told everyone that I was going on a date with a man. Why do you think you need to know anything about my private life." Now he got up from his chair and started walking towards me, but this time I moved and sat down on the couch completely calm.

I won't let him get a reaction out of me. That time has passed.

"I'm your boss and I need to know." I started laughing because he is talking nonsense.

"What does that have to do with my private life. Boss or not, you don't need to know who I'm with." He sat next to me but so close that we were touching body to body.

"Have you forgotten that you are mine?" He is completely crazy. He imagines something that is not.

I can't listen to his nonsense anymore.

"I am not yours and I never will be. Explain your words to me. First you insult me ​​and tell me that I am ugly, that everyone runs away from me, and then you say that I am yours. Maximilian did not run away from me yesterday and it was so perfect with him that I hope to do it all again soon. He thinks I'm very beautiful, and you don't have to tell me that I'm ugly because I'm aware of my beauty, but I'll let you think that you've convinced me of something that's a lie." He had been calm until now. What has changed?

"You said his name is Maximilian? What's his last name? Where is he from?" What about him?

"Shut up and leave me alone. I don't have to answer those questions for you." Asshole.

I got up from the couch and started to walk towards the doors, but he grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"That hurts!" I said gritting my teeth.

"Tell me, now!" He said loud enough to startle me.

I don't want to know what will happen if I don't answer him.

"He said he was from Spain, but that's all I know. I don't know his last name." I answered and waited for him to explain.

"Why are you so interested in that?" I asked him.

"You will never see him again. You don't even know who he is. Do you know how much he is..." he wanted to say something but stopped.

"How much what, huh? Just leave me alone." I don't understand why he is so angry.

"Get back to work." He let go of my hand after kicking me out of his office.

Is he crazy? Why didn't he answer me anything? Who is Maximilian and why did he react like that. I can't even investigate him when I don't know his last name, in fact I don't know anything about him and nothing is clear to me anymore.

Maybe he just reacted violently because I left work and didn't get back to him.

"Isabella, is something wrong? Why did he kick you out of the office?" That's because he's a lunatic.

"Don't ask me anything, I can't wait for uncle Marcus to come back and for everything to go back to normal. Honestly, I've had enough of this behavior, humiliation and everything. I can't take it anymore and it's just a matter of time when I'll go crazy." I need a break from him.

"I have to tell you something." I hope there is nothing wrong.

"Surprise me with something good." I told her hoping for the best.

"A weekend trip to Chicago for a business..." excellent.

"Well, that's great, we'll be able to hang out together." She looked at me with a slightly sad face. I do not like that.

"Unfortunately, I'm not going. Only you and Mr. Altimari are going." No way.


I turned and went back to his office. He immediately ended the call he had.

"If you think I'm going to go on a business trip with you, then you're wrong. There's no way I'm going anywhere with you. There's no way!" I started shouting so loud.

I can't be in the same room, let alone spend the weekend with him.

"Yes you are going and that has already been agreed." No, no, and no!

"I don't want to. Take your girlfriend with you. I don't want to be with you." He laughed evilly.

"Barbara is staying, you're coming with me because you're my assistant and you have to go with me. You can be as angry as you want, but you're going with me." I just want to cry and forget I exist.

"Marissa is your assistant and she should come with you, I just started working and I don't know anything." Maybe I can get away with it.

"You're coming with me and we closed that topic." I turned and left his office.

I went back to my office and cried, hoping that it would help me.

I don't want to go with him.

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