Chapter 22: Grasping Miracles

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Lorena ignored the sweat dropping from Cluster's threat, snatching Calypsa and demanding Sehki to bring them all into his own shadow realm despite his concerns for the other students.

"Strategic retreat," turning to Calypsa. "Why are you holding back? You're stalling."

"But we've been fighting Jun."

"And you sent her to fight that Chameleon Void, yet she's the only one of us barely tired," glaring. "You're the unofficial sixth heir to all the young monarchs?"

"Awnh," teasing her face with the staff. "You admit I'm stronger, how brave."

Lorena grabbed her by the throat. "So you're holding back. You're either working for the Astrovoids, - no! You know who they are!"

"What? Is that true?"

Calypsa sighed, pulling up her top, exposing the Ara seals around her torso.

"I took another hit from Xia's father to seal Sehki's knowledge. I confronted Cluster a while ago and they have the same high-level spells aimed at my heart. I know Twin and Ram's identity: they knew your parents, but their minds have been so altered, they're focused on capturing you."

"So you wanted me to fight Jun in hope he'd reverse the spell."

"Well, no, but when I jumped in, the fight forced him to release parts of it. Cluster offered to remove the rest if I led you away from the school," earning their surprise.

"Jun would allow the other heirs to arrive and help. If you two fall, I can buy you enough time for them to arrive, heal you both, and we could get rid of all four of them at once."

Lorena punched her in the face.

"We've been fighting for our lives this whole time and you see us as a time waster? Cree and Candy tried to give us a fighting chance while you've been half-baked, you aimless Sagittarius."

Calypsa snapped. "Don't put words into words! You barely even knew my mentee!"

"I had more faith in him than you did! All you've done is set up our demise from the shadows! We should've never trusted you!"

Sehki jumped in. "That's enough! Arguing with ourselves is going nowhere!"

A stab of light started to pierce through, Calypsa warning them some StellArts could peer through darkness, prompting him to drag them in and out from Ram and Cluster's attempts to reach them.

When they returned, Lorena sighed, grabbed his face and stared into his eyes, closing and locking lips with him briefly.

"I love you. But I don't have your raw potential," addressing her, "or your variety of abilities. I don't want to die, and I love you. But if you," pointing to Calypsa, "are going to stall, you can run away and hide. Sehki, I have a plan, but I need you both to do it."

Her idea left him refusing. "You are not a sacrifice!"

"A king has to make tough choices: we have to get through the night. The other students know if we fall, they're prey to the Voids feasting off their fear. At our best, we'll cut the lion's legs to topple the head. Heal me later. And you know what to do if I fall."

Calypsa gulped. "You're serious."

Lorena turned, psyching herself up. "You can run away, and I'll just do your job instead. Justice Princess has a nice ring to it."

Sehki nodded. "I get you're trying to help, but Jun and Cluster's end game is to see me suffer. Cal, please, we need you."

The enigmatic figure lowered her hat.

"Fine. You're going to be mad at me either way."

The three of them burst out the shadow to find the Chameleon Void targeting them. Lorena caught their tongue and threw them into a nearby building while Sehki's claw punched the ice, spreading mist around. The Astrovoid leader's rays went to clear it, as Twin regained enough strength to summon clones.

Spotting elastic limbs, Twin's clones leapt at it when a quick slash evaporated half of them. Ram put portals in front and behind Cluster, but they looked back to find Twin's last clone exploding and pushing them back into the mist.

Ram's limbs were twisted as the Chameleon was thrown back into the fog. Spotting Lorena from behind, they brought out their horn shaped blades, ordering one to make the other slip in front of them Yet, the person dual-wielded their weapon with Cree's staff, while Sehki's fist slammed Twin down.

The horned themed Void found stretched limbs pulling them back into the fading mist's hands and feet, getting bombarded with mud blasts into the back, dousing out their swords.

Cluster prepared their grand attack, dissipating the mist to find Lorena and Calypsa subjugating one of their allies while Sehki kicked the Void and Twin in their direction. Ram's attempt to pull a portal left them with no avail as the leader's spell charred and burned them to the floor.

"You should've stayed out of the way!"

The women split apart, ramming...Ram into the same force as they were prepared to strike, forcing them to kick their ally away, now aiming at Lorena. She stretched over to them, pulling herself closer to them.

Sehki lifted her shadow up while Calypsa's limbs were also elastic, all three linking their magic together.

"Asterism Art! Gloom Gatling!"

The trio bent forwards, rapidly blasting their palms at Cluster's arms. Lorena endured the smoldering heat as the closest, biting her lip with every punch, covering the fists she coated with mud from her Zodiac with every attempt.

"End your suffering already, Camelopardalis!"

Seeing Sehki's shadow's and Calypsa's replication of her ability by her side make her smile even as her stamina near it end.

"When all the victims of your crimes face justice!"

She poured the last of her power into a final winded of her hands back, slapping her hands together and concentrating the force of her cupped hands into one last strike, forcing Cluster's other limb to implode, blasting her back, coughing out one last instruction, grasping at that miracle.

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