Chapter 53: Alliance Ambush - Session Five

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"Cameleopardis Art," blasting her head forward like a jet, accelerating her own spell, and smashing straight into his attack. "Cranium Cannon!"

He watched in horror as she pushed her head fighting through the flames of his wrath, igniting himself with every ounce of power left inside. She crashed straight into his body, detonating the force of magic between them.

When the dust settled, Pyralis and Lorena were huffing, wobbling back and forth.

"Time to eat some giraffe for di," crashing face first on the ground.

Lorena's clothes and skin were filled with burn scars, giving Cree and Candy a smile.

"The rest is up," falling on her back, "to you."

Cree and Candy silently cheered, going to get their friend, Cassie was horrified, and Fari shook the ground with a stomp erupting the ground between them.

"You're dead! Cassie, go get your remaining feathers!"

Candy looked up. "Wait, those flying horse Constains? You caused that?"

"Oh it wasn't our idea, but at least they'd let us have you to ourselves!"

Cree's wind held her at bay, raising it for Candy to fly up and catch Cassie before she could soar away. She climbed up the Malora fae even as they tried to shake off her wings, making ice bear claws to freeze her upper half to try and slow her down.

"No you don't!" Fari ran up via the platforms she coated her body into, but Cree pole vaulted off of one of them, rising past her and joined his sister. Together, they froze Cassie with so much ice reducing the strength she had to manipulate her follicles.

"Asterism Art: Ursa Crash!"

Sending her to the ground, they only had Fari to deal with now, livid at all of her teammates down. She quickly forged more avenues above and around the two of them, jumping from all of them sporadically.

Both of them played defense against her relentless offensive pressure, comparing her to a weaker, reckless Cluster.

"I'll kill you little sister first and watch you plunge into despair!"

"Don't fall for it Cree!"

Candy activated her Castillo's Dress to protect herself, firing a snowball at point blank range. Fari tanked the frozen pain to crack it with punch and win the clash when both of them swiped at each other's torso.

But as Candy fell, Cree stored enough Indus energy to into his staff, thrusting it straight into Fari and blasting her into several trees.

He lifted his injured sister up for them to watch the Nuckelherd leader galloping on all fours, starting to gain more legs and arms, letting that listen to the melody of her body mutating into a feral beast ready to prey, but burned herself out, as she was about to approach them.

"Did we win?"

He went to get Lorena. "We almost didn't. Sehki, we're coming."


Admiral Mechion sensed the Shadow Brawlers and Nuckelherd's situation.

"Why didn't you send anyone to assist them?"

"Whoever had the stronger drive to survive would've won," making a call. "Calypsa, is he almost ready? Perfect. Now Sehki," watching him trail behind the others. "Show us how you'll get yourself out of this predicament."

He waited for the perfect opportunity, taking more energy from Ophiuchus to create a falling sea of darkness about to hit all eleven of them. They all jumped to evade it, but Sehki curved it specifically to lock Paleun away from the others, kicking him down.

"Let's see you shrink this," shooting a massive boulder at him. Paleun reduced its size, tunneling under the ground and bursting out of the ground as Sehki bit his own finger.

"Then I'll return it back to the sender!"

Sehki threw the fingernail he just chewed off and fired it at Paleun's hand, who expanded it to the size of a large boulder he intended to make. The prince squashed the rat before they could do something about it, throwing it, tossing it like a boomerang.

It grounded the Saiban member into the ground, and he smacked it up with his shadow to hurl it at several rising Voidvoks and Constains in the ground.

"Nico, Claudia, now!"

Claudia swooped it to grab the human sized fingernail while Nico used her powers to redirect the Voids on one end so her partner could cut them down with her wings.

And on the other, Ophichus consumed the creatures. He managed to sink a large group of fae into the shadows and get them to the Health Center before heading back to the two.

"Keep using it to help everyone below!"

"You got it!"

Most of the Rising Twelve were about to swoop down on him.

"You guys wanna prove you can fight the Voids better than me? Bet. Ophiuchus, Necro Twister!"

The fae and beast used their massive size to trap them all into a vortex, blowing them all airborne, reducing the number of feathers that weren't mutated into fae yet from reaching the ground. He followed them up, just to gloat.

"Hyuga, Bao, Arian, Vital, Vena, Arian. I can take on more Voids than all of you combined!"

"Excuse us?!" They took his bait, quickly reducing the Malora Constains, which Sehki used to target Rubin, knocking his clones away and scissoring his head to grab his phone.

"So, it's a livestream to Saiban? I can hear the moans. But I'm trying to end the threat of the Voids and save innocent lives. If this whole country feels more satisfied blaming me for President, sorry, Lord Hinata's arrest. Fine," gripping it.

"But when that hatred of me gets in the way of helping civilians, that crosses a line. He stopped the other heirs from coming with me. Half of your Rising Twelve is splitting time fighting me instead. So if they speak for you, get it together!"

"If Voids are popping up in Saiban because of your negativity to me, I'll head there myself and stop them for you! Have a good day."

Mako's bloodlust dived straight for him.

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