1. Sugar

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Matthew has a fat crush on his neighbor.

Yes, it's sudden and unexpected, but it's there. It began two days prior, when he first moved in the small apartment of a multi storey building close to his university. It's his first time staying alone, and also the first that he had to move his stuff on his own because the past roommate of his was busy that day. Now of course, he's capable enough to move all those heavy boxes on his own; but looks can be deceiving. Having his muscles hidden underneath an oversized hoodie, he grabbed the attention of his neighbor slash now crush as a feeble, little man. In any other time, Matthew would defend himself and his hard earned strength but taking a look at that man-

The man, name Kim Jiwoong as he had learnt later, was an absolute heartthrob. The perfect amount of pretty, handsome, tall and muscular. His eyes were dreamy, lips plump with defined shape. Sharp jaw and teeth as white as snow. He had a mole somewhere on his face, but Matthew forgot. He only knew that when that man asked to help with those boxes, he felt a jump in his heart.

It's been so long he had seen someone that perfect last.

"Excuse me?" Asked the man again. And his voice had that depth that sent the poor Canadian man places.

"Ah- yeah. If you please." He had replied. He didn't need that help. He just wanted to look at that man a little longer. Back then, Matthew had a hunch, that he'd probably developed a crush on that man, but it was too soon and their meeting was too short. Therefore, when he discovered that Jiwoong lived right next to his apartment, he decided to test his heart one more time.

After unpacking and taking a shower, he went downstairs, got fresh drinks and returned to knock on the door next to his one. Kim Jiwoong opened up seconds later, wearing black shorts and a white tee. Matthew gulped, those thigh muscles were no joke.

"Hm?" Jiwoong raised an eyebrow.

"Here. To thank you for helping me with the boxes earlier." Matthew offered a smile and that drink. He knew one of his charming points was that sunshine smile; and it probably worked cause the man smiled back and let him in.

Matthew remembered clearly, it was a ten minutes long talk on Jiwoong's couch. Introductory talk. In the meantime, Jiwoong had to answer at least three calls. But those ten minutes answered a lot of questions he had. And the most obvious one- did he really crush on a handsome man at first sight?

The answer turned out to be a yes. A big yes everytime Jiwoong smiled at his way. Oh that face! That damn face and the husky, laid back tone of voice! A 100% Matthew's type. So, since then, he had only thought about his neighbor.

So why are we talking about this? Because there are a few issues. One, Jiwoong's not social. They met twice, once was from sympathy (from the kind man's side) and two, because Matthew approached him. After that, two entire days had passed but Jiwoong didn't knock on his door once. Not even to check on him. Matthew wanted to talk to him again, but with what excuse? He had to maintain an image so he couldn't just go knocking on that door without a reason, right? He'd look too eager and definitely not cool. So his brain worked and worked until he found a classic idea.

He should make use of the fact that they're neighbors. They're supposed to help each other during crisis.

And crisis arrived when he realized, while trying to make his signature pancakes, that he didn't have sugar. Since he was one to make the batter himself, sugar was indispensable. It didn't take more than a second for him to think of a solution. Unsurprisingly, it involved Kim-the-handsome-Jiwoong.

Matthew rang the bell in the craze of hot late noon. He started sweating the moment he left the comfort of his place, and the time Jiwoong took to keep him waiting did not help at all. He desperately wiped the sweat beads off his face with the neckline of his vest but he was red and looked like he ran a mile when Jiwoong opened up.

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