9. Smoothie

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It's a wonder how Ricky stays slim and fit even after having at least three milk based drinks per day, sometimes per meal. It's a known pattern- strawberry or mango smoothie and chocolate milk shake. He sometimes settles for orange juice but that's not very often. At times when he's busy during meal times, he buys one after breakfast or in the afternoon to get him by the day.

It was a day as such. Ricky headed home after college, nearly when the sun was about to set. He was supposed to have a dinner date with his friend Gyuvin, but that got cancelled last moment. To quench his thirst for milk based drinks, therefore, he hit a nearby café to buy himself a smoothie.

He didn't expect to meet someone he was never supposed to in that very café, but not very far from the counter sat the same Chinese guy who had ditched them all back in the bar where they had all gone to aid Hanbin. Zhang Hao, the handsome, pretty young man sat across from a younger looking boy, probably a high schooler who had books, pens and note copies sprawled on the table.

They were probably having a tuition session or something.

Now, Ricky's not someone to barge in and ask about why they were treated like that, but his ego was reasonably hurt that night, since he took a long time to make everyone presentable. So, to at least make things clear that they did not have any ill motive, he doubled his order and went to talk to the apparent tutor.

He started in Chinese, greeting the seated man who looked at him in question. Not knowing whether he was recognized or not, Ricky clarified, continuing in his mother tongue, "I'm Ricky, the one you met in the bar a few nights ago."

Zhang Hao's eyes popped wide, "Are you guys stalking me or what??"

Ricky tsked, "Hey, don't you think it's too much!? What do you think of yourself? I wouldn't come talking to you if Hanbin hyung weren't interested in you. Besides, I met you by coincidence, what's my gain in stalking you??"

Zhang Hao stayed quiet. Probably didn't believe him entirely. However, Ricky wasn't bothered by that. He tugged at the seated man's arm, asking to follow him to somewhere more private. Although, people around him wouldn't understand what they're talking about anyway.

Partly skeptical, Hao listened to him. They walked to a corner of the shop, to clarify every misunderstanding.

"Why did you do that?" Ricky asked first.

"Do what? Leaving a bunch of weirdos? Wouldn't you have done the same?"

"Weirdos?" Ricky laughed in disbelief, "You're freaking rude, ain't you? Who's the weirdo here? All of us tried so hard to make a good impression to you- who's clearly the one with a clouded mind."

"Excuse me?" Hao said, "I don't have any problem. If your friend's interested in me, he should have approached me on his own, not bringing a gang to intimidate someone."

"No one was trying to intimidate- or force you into something. Do you even know how much everyone tried? Jiwoong hyung's really bad at interacting with new people, he still showed up cause he cared for his best friend. Couldn't you tell?"

Hao was silenced again, maybe he actually cared to listen this time. So without wasting his chance, Ricky continued, "And Gyuvin, he tried to make you less nervous. He's an idiot who thinks everyone's drawn to physical touch, but he's not a weirdo who would try to get someone else's crush." Ricky took a pause and continued, "And Matthew hyung wanted to make you feel safe. He's a big dumbo for showing his muscle, but what wrong did you see in that? Gunwook even asked you about your choices cause he could tell you were unsure about the whole thing. And.. and if you asked me I'd have told you everything but what did you do? You ran away like we wanted something nasty from you."

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