2. Muffin

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"And he has a boyfriend!?" The slightly excited, slightly shocked voice of Park Gunwook, Matthew's ex roommate was heard loud and clear in Matthew's apartment.

"That's what I'm saying." The Canadian man replied from the kitchen, bringing along cooked spaghetti, ready to be served and eaten. His last roommate who was a very good friend of his had come to pay him a visit on the weekend, only a day after Matthew discovered the, well, relationship of his new crush. So he filled the younger in about his unfortunate fate. "How could I be so stupid? When I saw the naked man first, I should have guessed immediately."

"Aish, such a bummer." Gunwook said. He was eagerly watching his hyung mix the tomato paste with his food, he looked kinda bummed. In order to brighten him up, the younger continued, "But don't worry, we can find someone even better!"

"We?" Matthew joked.

"Yeah, I'm willing to help." Smiled Gunwook, "See I already know your type. Taller than you, which is easy to find-"


"And well built." Gunwook laughed. One thing he loved to do- teasing his hyung about his height. "Oh, and handsome. Right?"

"Hm.. sort of." Matthew answered. Jiwoong's image was clear before his eyes, he shook it off though. Kim Jiwoong has a boyfriend. It should be etched in his memory.

"I can find tons of guys like that." Gunwook said again, "Come to think of it, I also fit, don't I?"

Matthew checked his ex roommate up and down. He never looked at him that way, as all those years they lived together, he considered Gunwook as his big baby. But well, Gunwook does fit his type. So he nodded. "Yup. But you're younger."


"I'm into older guys."

"Boomer." Gunwook said. Matthew laughed it off. "As if, if I said yes, you'd date me?"

'Why not?' Gunwook wanted to say, but at that moment, the doorbell rang. Curious, Matthew went to check, and to his utter surprise, he found Hanbin outside.

Holding a plate, his plate, full of chocolate muffins.

"Heyyy Matthew!" Hanbin exclaimed, "Here, I'm giving you back your plate."

"Um, thanks." The latter took it. Compared to last time, Hanbin wore a blue shirt and jeans, looking more decent and approachable. He looked like he had something to say, so Matthew couldn't immediately close the door. When he was about to, though, the other spoke, "You were cooking?"

"Uh, yeah, some spaghetti."

"Cool!" Hanbin mentioned, and without giving him any chance to say anything, entered inside. Matthew's mouth fruitlessly opened and closed, a sigh left him cause how do you deal with Hanbin!?

"Smells amazing!" Said the older male, happily skipping towards the dining room. He did not expect to see another male waiting at the table, flabbergasted at his self invitation. From behind, Matthew introduced him, "My friend, Gunwook. And this is Hanbin."

"Hanbin.." Gunwook's brain processed the information, "Ah the guy whom you saw in his underwear last night?"

"Excuse me, what??" Hanbin looked at Matthew with a very dramatic gasp, "Those were shorts!"

"They're the same." The latter sat down, not caring much. He put the plate with muffins at the center of the table and returned to serving spaghetti, now adding one for his guest, "Doesn't change the fact that I saw almost all of you."

"That's rude." Hanbin said, but also sat down. His eyes glittered looking at the food. To save the air, Gunwook said, "So, you're Kim Jiwoong's boyfriend, if I'm not wrong?"

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