4. Sweat

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Matthew kept cursing the last period quiz which made him late to join the game he was invited to watch. He prayed in his head that he's not too late to miss the entire basketball match; thankfully, when he reached Gunwook and Gyuvin's college, the game was on its 3rd quarter. Sighing in relief, he found an empty seat to take. He saw a blur or orange and blue jerseys and some tall ass men until he took out his saviour- the glasses and everything was as clear as daylight. He spotted Gyuvin, the guy who invited him on the court immediately, running with the ball. Gunwook was seen too, standing outside the court, warming up. Was he a sub? Is that why he never invited Matthew to any of his games before?

Matthew invested his attention into the game. Well, he didn't like basketball. One of the few sports that was a pure satire to his height. But he liked watching the game. All tall, handsome, sexy guys running to net the ball- it's thrilling. You don't need to care about the score if you're just there for the eye candies. But, well, Matthew had a team to support. The orange team. Because Gyuvin and Gunwook both were on that very team.

So he rejoiced when a tall, blond male scored for the orange team first. It took him a minute or two to realize who the ace for that team were. The tallest duo- Gyuvin and that blond guy. Now if he, as a spectator can read that, the opponent team would also find that out, hence, they put a player to constantly guard that male. He would still score once or twice but the momentum was going down.

"Come on.. someone should free him.." Matthew kept murmuring. At that moment, Gunwook from outside the court was subbed in.

"Yes! Go, Gunwookie!" He cheered. The younger ran and stood in front of the blond guy, freeing him momentarily. That was a good opening. Two scores were made back to back. Matthew never celebrated eo hard. It felt like he was a fan of the orange team for decades, screaming and shouting at their victory.

Gunwook did a good job. Gyuvin did a good job. The blond guy and the other two players did good too. By the end of the game, they won by a landslide. With every other supporter, Matthew stood up and jumped, left the seat to join his dongsaengs down there too. Gyuvin noticed him first and immediately ran to give him a hug.

"Matthew hyung!!" He almost fell on the other who stopped him in time, "Uh- you're kinda.. sweaty."

"Ah." Gyuvin laughed. He wasn't embarrassed, the joy of winning was more than anything at that moment. "Did you see my ending score? How I scooped the ball and made a dunk?"

"That wasn't a dunk shot, but okay." Matthew teased him. Gyuvin jumped up, but he didn't go as high as the ring. "But it was impressive that you took the ball from Gunwook and scored."

There was this moment in the game. Gunwook got the ball, and he was in the open- standing outside the D box. It was a perfect opportunity to throw the ball and score a three, but for some reason, the guy didn't do that. He stood there with the ball, looking left to right. That's when Gyuvin made a leap and received the ball from one frustrated Gunwook. He scored, it was a two pointer.

"Oh, Gunwookie, he's-"

"I knew the ball wouldn't go in." Gunwook's voice was heard. Matthew turned to that sound. Albeit grinning the same way, Gunwook sounded salty while saying that. "It always happens, hyung! I can barely score during the game."

"But you did good, Gunwookie. You freed the blond guy." Matthew patted his head, "That was crucial for you guys to win the game."

"You're talking about Ricky, right?" Gyuvin suddenly pulled the said blond male, took him in a sweaty arm lock and said, "Here, this is Ricky! The ace of our team."

Matthew waved at him. Normally, anyone would try to set themselves free from such a situation, but he didn't seem to mind at all. Either he's really close with Gyuvin or-

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