7. Waist

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The failed team of six walked out of the bar a little after Hao had left them there. With Gyuvin's new plan of including his other brother, Kim Taerae, Hanbin found a glimmer of hope. So, in order not to waste any more of their precious time drinking and lamenting, they decided to go back home. To each their own this time.

Well, not exactly.

Normally, Gyuvin was supposed to go stay at Jiwoong's, and maybe Gunwook would stay at Matthew's. Hanbin and Ricky were supposed to go to their own houses. But Ricky opposed the idea, asking that Gyuvin went with him.

"Why?" Jiwoong, suffering from the heavy older brother syndrome, asked.

"Um.." Ricky glanced at his friend once, "We would um.. we have a project to finish."

Catching the hint, Gyuvin added, "Oh yeah, right. The English project."

"English project?" Jiwoong looked doubtful, "You're gonna work on it at this hour? You? Kim Gyuvin?"

"Why not?" Gyuvin answered, "We'll work until dawn if we have to."

"What- are you staying over at his or-"

Matthew nudged Jiwoong at that very moment, cutting him mid sentence and saying, "Hyung, let them go. What are you doing?"

"Yeah, but-"

"They're young, Let them have some fun." Matthew's blunt words were no less than true, so Gyuvin shyly looked at Ricky then carefully checked his brother's reaction. Jiwoong was seen to leave a sigh.

"You guys are unbelievable."

Gunwook and Hanbin giggled, as Matthew beamed winningly at Ricky, winked later at Gyuvin. They waved bye to the others and walked towards the parking lot. At least, they had Ricky's car to take them home, unlike the rest of them.

However, there was no driver. And unfortunately, neither Ricky nor Gyuvin had a driver's license.

"Damn, what are we supposed to do now?" Gyuvin asked. The last time they used Ricky's car, driving to the bar from Jiwoong's apartment not so far from there, Hanbin drove them there, since he's a capable, licensed driver. "Should we go back and ask Hanbin hyung to-"

"Leave it to me." Ricky said, taking out the keys from his pocket, smirking at the stunned, younger male, "Hyung know how to drive, kiddo."

"Yah! Who are you calling a kid? And you're drunk as fuck, you're not qualified to drive."

"I had like- one beer?"

"And? There's alcohol in your system. What if we get caught? You don't even have a license."

"Tsk." Uttered the blond male, "Just hop on. It's a short ride. No one's gonna know." He casually unlocked the car door and got on the driver's seat. Gyuvin stood frozen, contemplating between safety and adrenaline. A night ride with the two of them, breaking rules and being wild- that was too good an option to throw away. So he left a sigh of defeat and followed his 'friend'. He took the passenger's seat, fastened the seatbelt and looked at the grinning older guy.

"If you don't wanna get killed before we die, drive safely. Please." There was actual terror in Gyuvin's voice which excited Ricky all the more. He grabbed the steering wheel tight, letting out a shout of joy as he started the car. It's going to be fun, he thought.

And fun it was. As he said, the ride was short, and he drove decently. They had to pass a check post but luckily, Ricky's driving was steady enough so they didn't get pulled over. With beating hearts, ultimately, they reached the last block to Ricky's, well, rich house.

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