10. Frappé

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(Italic are flashbacks, rest follows the normal timeline of the story)


Matthew looked at the drink in front of him, crushed ice melting with every passing second. His heart raced fast, in anxious anticipation. He rehearsed what he's supposed to say since the moment he met Taerae, yet, he couldn't rest assured. What if his words messed things up even more? After all these years, all he wanted was to properly apologize to the boy he once wronged.

Dates back to Matthew's high school years, the second year precisely, when he first moved to Korea. He was introduced to a whole new class full of pupils his age. His nervous eyes scanned the unapproachable faces- but amongst them, a chubby, nerdy looking boy wearing thick glasses smiled at him. Matthew chose to sit next to him.

The boy showed him around the school. They began talking more often. Matthew was fun and kind, so he made some other good friends soon. The chubby boy didn't want to talk to them. At first Matthew didn't understand why, but soon, he knew why his first side mate, Kim Taerae didn't fancy talking to his other friends.

Matthew sighed. The frappé had probably melted enough to lose its appeal. He didn't bring himself to take a single sip. He reached the café exactly when Taerae mentioned, yet, the said guy was nowhere to be seen. Was it a part of his sweet revenge, to make Matthew wait? Well if it is, then it's not enough.

The chubby boy who's always smiling with one dimple showing had lots under his belt. He was loved by the teachers, the seniors, his club members. His grades were good. Maybe that's why, boys of his class didn't like him. And they chose to attack his vulnerable point because of that. Taerae was always conscious of how round his cheeks were, how he was shorter than average guys his age. They poked him there. They started calling him names. Of course it wasn't Matthew's business and he didn't interfere. But was it his place to have fun with these?

Yes, Matthew would never understand why he began enjoying everytime others would tease or verbally bully Kim Taerae, but one year passed and he was just like those other boys of his class who wouldn't directly insult the boy, but would laugh whenever anyone did so.

The bell to the café jingled. After about an hour of keeping him waiting, Kim Taerae, in his twenties, glowing with success and confidence walked in. Matthew stood up, didn't know why. Taerae took a seat across from him.

"Seok Woohyun. Never thought I'd see you again in this life."

Matthew pursed his lips. That name alone brought so many bitter memories. The name he used back when he was in high school. He hated his high school life. He was a coward, an immature, stupid young male.

"I'm glad we met." Said Matthew, "I was looking for you after you left."

Taerae snorted, obviously, didn't believe that. He could vividly remember the traumatic experience in the boy's bathroom after school one day, after which his brother made him change schools.

At the begining of their 3rd year, Matthew had grown distant with Taerae. He was supposed to anyway. No one wanted to befriend a loner who'd get picked on everyday. The boy would still look at him, probably wishing that there were someone by his side, that someone being the brightly smiling Matthew, or Woohyun for all he knew. But no, Matthew was dumb, coward, selfish and a jerk who didn't try to stop those bullies.

"Why are you being dramatic though? You never said anything to me." Taerae said, taking the cup of frappé from before Matthew. He gagged as the molten ice diluted it more than his liking.

"But I was there. And I should have stopped them." Matthew sighed.

"What are you? A hero?" Taerae teased him, "You're only talking to me cause I'm Jiwoong hyung's brother. You wouldn't give two fucks about me otherwise."

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