8. Pizza

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Gunwook was getting impatient waiting in Matthew's campus. Gyuvin had sent him multiple texts saying that everyone had gathered in Jiwoong's apartment, even the new inclusion, Kim Taerae. They were all supposed to sit and talk about how they should approach Zhang Hao a second time, but this time with only the musician. Matthew was supposed to walk out of class and head home with Gunwook but he was late by almost an hour. What's worse was that he's not even picking up any call. Waiting in worry, when he finally saw the Canadian man, he stood up and sighed in relief.

"Hyung! I've been waiting for over an hour!"

Matthew bowed in apology, "Sorry, Gunwook ah, I had to sit through and finish the assignment which was due on the first class. You know, I missed it this morning."

Gunwook gave him a subtle smirk, "Yeah, yeah, you already texted that to me. Is this because you spent last night with your crush?"

Surprised, Matthew asked, "How do you know this?"

"I made a guess," Gunwook laughed, "You definitely had gone to his apartment, right?"

Matthew beamed, "He invited me in this time." This left the other's jaw hanging open, "What!?" He asked, "Did he really- you guys didn't do it already, did you!?"

"No, we did not, obviously!" Matthew replied, "We just- both wanted to talk more."

"Oh," Gunwook's excitement died down, "That's it? That's what you two did?"

"Hm, what else?"

"All night long?"

"Not really." Matthew answered again, "I returned to my apartment at about 2? 2:30 in the morning?"

"2:30??" Gunwook teased, "Wow, no wonder you missed your 8 AM class. How are you still awake?"

Matthew chuckled this time, "I don't know, man. I'll probably collapse once I reach home."

"About that-" said the younger, "We need to hit Jiwoong hyung's first." He showed Gyuvin's text message to Matthew, "Their brother is there. We should hurry up."

"Right." Matthew yawned, but looked determined, "Let's join them first." And then they both walked towards the bus stop to go back to that very apartment building. It was a short ride. Gyuvin called in the meantime. Gunwook assured him that they're on the way. It took them about 10 minutes after that to finally get off the elevator and ring the bell to Jiwoong's apartment.

"I wonder what kind of person Kim Taerae would be." Gunwook said, "Jiwoong hyung and Gyuvin ain't similar at all."

Matthew only nodded. Kim Taerae. A familiar name. He wondered.

Hanbin opened the door for them. "Oh, you guys are here! Come here, everyone's waiting."

"Yeah." Gunwook got in first, took off his shoes and walked ahead. Matthew followed him, until he could see the people sitting on the couch after making one half of a turn.

He could directly see a man in glasses, fair skin, shorter in height. For the most of him, he looked like a stranger, but those dimples- there's no mistaking it. Matthew could clearly put the name and face together. Kim Taerae. How did he not realize before? It's the same Taerae. The chubby, glutton, nerdy Kim Taerae.

"Hyung?" Gunwook called, sensing the sudden drop of silence behind him.

"Gunwook ah, I ..." Matthew's face was unreadable, "Something came up. I- I forgot something in uni."


"Yeah.. you go ahead and join them, I'll just... I'll go and get it first."

"But hyung-" Gunwook couldn't argue, because Matthew made a dash outside, his goal- the elevator that oughta take him far from the apartment, from the person and from all the bad memories.

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