17. Butterflies

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(🔞 This chapter contains mature content, proceed only if you're comfortable)


These days, returning home after a long day at work meant delicious aroma of food and the presence of a smiley, sexy, handsome young man waiting in Jiwoong's apartment. Getting together, they didn't have to declare that they'd live together, because they had been doing it partially even before that. From having dinner together to sleeping in- what was left was to mix some of their clothings and cosmetics and tada- they'd have two apartments to live in. After being boyfriends, eventually that part was taken care of. So now, they just stick together whenever they get time.

"You're late today." Matthew said while Jiwoong was taking off his shoes, "Had a rough day?"

"Pretty much." Answered the elder. Matthew's hands were covered in flour, he was making some dough. The cute orange apron over his white vest stood in between hot and adorable. Jiwoong saw him returning to the kitchen counter. His phone was placed against the board, he probably was watching a tutorial.

When Matthew focuses on something, his eyes widen and his mouth falls in a small confused expression- his upper lip lifted to make a tiny partition that lets a fraction of his white teeth show. Jiwoong finds that lethally cute. So he carefully walked behind that man, and slowly sneaked his arms around that body, below his torso, slightly above his waist.

"What are you making?" He cutely asked, after dropping his head on the wake of Matthew's neck. With a smile, the latter answered, "I'm trying to make hand made noodles."

"Really? You know how to do that too?"

"I don't but YouTube does." The younger chuckled, "Now will you please let go cause I have to get back to it."

Jiwoong didn't let go, in fact, he tightened his hold, "But I've missed you so much today, can't I get a long hug from my boyfriend?"

Matthew squeezed his way to make a turn. Once face to face, he used his elbows to wrap around Jiwoong's neck, careful not to touch any part of him with those messy hands, "You'll get one later, babe. Now go take a shower and let me make dinner for us."

Jiwoong inched closer, "I don't wanna wait though." His eyes changed from being goofy to loaded with emotions, "When you look this good even while cooking, how can I resist you?"

"But I'm a mess, Jiwoonie hyung." Matthew chuckled, bringing his hands close, to show that they were covered with flour, "See?" Jiwoong didn't care. He rather used his own hand that was on Matthew's waist before to touch his palm, "Here, now my hands are dirty too."

"What the hell are you even doing?" Matthew turned around, laughing. But before he could touch the dough again, Jiwoong grabbed him by the waist, breathing on his neck, "Give it a rest, babe. I'm sure food's gonna taste better after some exercise."

"Hyung-" Matthew was stopped when the warm breaths on his skin got replaced with a pair of lips, slightly chapped. But he didn't get to feel much of it because soon, a softer, fleshier structure met his skin. He felt wet on his skin, and then a sting as his man left a little souvenir- a small, red bite mark.

"Kim Jiwoong, can't wait another hour, hm?" He asked, cupping Jiwoong's left cheek behind with his left hand, not caring about the white flour anymore.

"Honestly, no." Jiwoong replied, "But I'll stop if you insist." There was something upsetting about the way he spoke the last half. So Matthew turned around once more to give him a reassuring smile. He rubbed his thumb on the skin on the other's face,  looking into his eyes, "You sure you're not hungry?"

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