3. Keys

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Matthew's never short of ideas. After knowing that his hot neighbor's single, ideas flocked his brain like pigeons do for crumbs of bread. His genius mind, therefore, came up with something Jiwoong wouldn't be able to fix.

He knocked on Jiwoong's door around afternoon. Although worried if he'd find the man home; to his luck, Jiwoong was. He opened up, with thick glasses covering parts of his face.

"Hi," Matthew smiled. Jiwoong stared at him curiously, thinking what 'out of sugar' trick he'd pull.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well.. I accidentally forgot my keys inside, so now I'm stuck outside."

Sighing, Jiwoong asked, "And? Change the lock then. Call someone to break it first and-"

"I have a spare one, but that's with one of my juniors." Matthew reasoned, "And he's on his way. So for the time being, can I rest at your place?"

Jiwoong checked inside once, then shrugged, "Your wish." He moved and let the Canadian walk inside. Matthew moved carefully so that the jingle from his pocket wasn't heard.

Jiwoong's place was the same as he had seen before. Quiet and organized. He was, as usual, working on his laptop in the living room. Wearing grey hoodie and black shorts, he looked cozy and as handsome as ever. Matthew pulled a chair and sat facing him. Up close, Jiwoong is even prettier- with his skin texture and all his imperfections. Matthew watched him intently. Maybe the elder understood that a pair of eyes were on him. He gave a slanted smile, shaking his head and continuing his work.

"Hyung, tell me about yourself." Matthew suddenly spoke.

"What about me?" Jiwoong asked without looking up from the laptop.

"Like who you are. What you like. What your family's like."

Jiwoong shook his head again, "I'm working."

The younger whined, "Ah, hyung! Accompany me, I'm bored."

For one second, the other stopped and looked at him, "What would you do if you hadn't lost your keys?"

Matthew took his time to think, "Mm, maybe take a shower, or study. Or even use my phone."

Jiwoong smiled, "Great. Use your phone then. Don't disturb me."

"You're fucking rude." Matthew rolled his eyes, however, put a hand under his chin, staring at the elder more intently, "What are you doing?"

"Work." A short reply was heard.

"Come on. Can you just- give me a few minutes? My junior will come by soon."

Realizing that Matthew wouldn't let him work in peace, Jiwoong obliged. He saved his work, put his laptop to sleep and sighed. "Go on." The younger grinned, "How long have you been living alone?"

"Since 18?" Jiwoong recalled, "I actually moved out the moment I was allowed to."

"May I ask... Why?" The other carefully asked. With a nod, Jiwoong said, "It's my dad. He's uh- hard to deal with."

"Oh.." uttered Matthew upon realization. He was at a loss, not knowing what to ask next- in fear if it would sound insensitive. Chuckling at him, the elder added, "It's not that bad, chill. He's just too strict. That's why all three of us try to avoid him."

"Three of you- your siblings?"

"Yeah." Jiwoong replied, "Me and my two younger brothers. One of them still lives there though. He's indecisive, whether to move out or not."

"Ah.." Matthew felt like it's a progress. Already knowing about his crush's family situation. Dare he got bolder, and asked, "Well then.. how long have you been single?"

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