6. Alcohol

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In Ricky's eyes, everything was disastrous.

It was the desired weekend. Hanbin's friends (read Jiwoong's) had all gathered in Jiwoong's place in their 'best' attire to go and impress his crush in the bar as planned. Ricky was the last one to show up and he immediately fell short of breath as he looked at everyone. Not a single person (Okay, maybe one) was dressed properly. His fashionable heart ached at the sheer audacity to dress horribly when impressions was a big factor.

"What the fuck are you guys wearing!?" He asked, eyes enlarged.

"What? We're cool." Gyuvin answered.

"Cool??" Ricky crossed his arms, "Babe, for how many days have you been wearing this mid shirt? Go change! I'm sick of seeing this everyday!"

"Why?" Gyuvin smelled his own shirt, "It's nice. He wouldn't know I've worn it everyday."

"Even so!" Ricky scolded him, pointing at an inner room, "Go change for God's sake!" With slumped shoulders, the younger listened. Ricky's attention shifted to Jiwoong next.

"And you! Are you trying to avoid paparazzi? Or are you some sort of gangster? You're wearing all black- even this huge black mask!" Ricky was frustrated, "You're his best friend, you need to look presentable! Go add some color!"

"But you're also wearing all black-" Jiwoong tried to protest.

"Mine are stylish. You look horrendous like this. Please, go join your brother- geez! The Kim family don't know fashion, do they?"

Matthew's chuckle probably made him the next target. Ricky turned to him, sighed and asked, "Why are you half naked?"

"Half naked!?" Matthew gasped at the slander, "This is called tank top, dude!"

"And what's your purpose of wearing this- body hugging, arms showing tank top?"

"To show him that we can protect him if he dates Hanbin hyung."

Ricky wanted to facepalm so bad! "And who's gonna date him? You or Hanbin hyung? Stop showing off. Wear a jacket at least."

"But-" Matthew sighed and accepted, "Fine. Here I thought showing my muscles would work for better."

"Um.. I guess I'm alright, hm?" Gunwook fearfully asked Ricky who was fuming by then. Hanbin hadn't yet come out of the room he went to change in, so he was anxiously waiting. His eyes scanned Gunwook in the meantime, and somehow, he was okay.

"Hm, not bad." Said the Chinese guy, "At least one of you guys know to dress decently!" Gunwook grinned. He never felt so proud of himself.

"And now, I have to wait for Hanbin- oh my fucking God! What the fuck do you think you're wearing, Sung Hanbin!?" Ricky almost fell face down from the frustration. Hanbin, who was supposed to be the best dressed one to impress his own crush was wearing black shorts and a worn out black hoodie. His hair undone and he probably didn't use any cologne either.

"What?" Shrugged Hanbin. Looking at himself, said, "It's good, isn't it?"

"Come with me." Ricky took his hand and went in. He didn't even need to say anything, silenty took the responsibility. Everyone walked out one after another, except for those two. Gunwook explained what had happened.

"Poor Hanbin hyung." Gyuvin mumbled, knowing how crazy his 'friend' was about fashion. Indeed, when he walked out with Hanbin who was in sexy denim jeans and a blue shirt, with neat hair, light makeup and a maddening scent surrounding him, they knew Ricky did a good job.

"Dude, you look stunning!" Matthew complimented him, then gave two thumbs up to Ricky who played a vital role, "Nah, you're an icon, Ricky."

"Thanks." Replied the blond male, finally relaxing. The group looked decent according to him, good even. Obstacle one crossed. He knew the first impression, just the impression by face would be good.

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