5. Ramen

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Matthew wished they'd held a few more 'meetings' regrading Hanbin's crush's case, cause that way, he'd find an excuse to visit Jiwoong's place. Unfortunately though, everyone else believed more in spontaneous decisions, so none of them bothered to plan more about it. In the end, Matthew was left with no more potential idea- he met Jiwoong for pancakes, met him at the rooftop, crashed at his place with his brother's gang and all. Repetition became a must therefore.

Giving the same excuse as forgetting his keys would be an obvious lie, but Matthew figured that Jiwoong wouldn't be able to say no to him that way. Maybe he'd avoid repeating this excuse in future, but pretending one more time would probably not give the truth away. Keyword: probably. It's stupid, yes, but we'll be finding him standing outside Jiwoong's apartment the next second.

It was a little past evening. Based on past cases, Jiwoong was supposed to be home. And he was, cause he opened up with a look of question on his face.

"Forgot my keys again." Matthew tried to make it believable.

"Again?" Jiwoong's tone held a hint of mockery.

"Swear I paid attention but.. I'm a little clumsy."

Jiwoong sighed, "Come on in." With a grin, the younger followed him. He left his shoes neatly by the door. For a few steps, nothing happened. But as soon as they crossed the living room, Jiwoong turned. His face was stern. Matthew felt a tingle down his spine, cause those eyes were scanning him throughout.

"Seok Matthew?" He suddenly asked in a low voice, adding an action of walking close to him. Matthew mumbled a 'yes', his voice trembled because Jiwoong didn't stop at a comfortable distance.

He kept stepping closer.

So Matthew kept going back. Unknowingly. His steps were small and not thought through. That's why, when his back hit the wall, he could barely save himself from falling. Jiwoong's strong arm held him, precisely his waist to stop the fall.

"Wh-what is it about?" The Canadian managed to ask. He was still very confused of his neighbor's sudden boldness. He didn't get a reply, instead was held straight by the man in front of him. By that time, they had a few inches between them only. He could see the sweat beads on Jiwoong's philtrum, hear his breathing, smell his shirt and none of these did good to his heart.

And then Jiwoong's hand moved. His right one swiftly grazed down Matthew's sides to his waist, to his hip and from there, crossed down on Matthew's right side. Matthew could feel the warmth of that hand a little above his crotch area. He hitched his breath, his heart beat fastened. There's no way Jiwoong was doing that do him, right?

Jiwoong's hand found home inside Matthew's right pocket, and there, as suspected, he felt the cold metallic touch of several keys. Smirking, he pulled it out of that pocket, jingling it after stepping away, "I thought you forgot your keys, Kitten."

Matthew was stunned. All those for this??

"I.. wow. I didn't... I thought I didn't bring them with me, t-thanks.."

Jiwoong made a leap again, this time, his face was close to Matthew's ears, "You don't have to lie to come here, Matthew. Just tell me if you wanna see me. I'll let you in."

'Fuck!' Matthew cursed at himself for being such a fool but was also excited cause Jiwoong just invited him. Gave him an unlimited access to his own place.

"Really??" His eyes lit up, "You said that, hyung! You said I can come here anytime!" Jiwoong who was by then a few feet away from the younger again, chuckled, "I'm just saving you from lying. Who knows, maybe you'll find other excuses to see me?"

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