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This is a little blurb off of Patreon from years ago, but I came across it again and thought I'd share! When considering a rewrite of this book, this is an AU I thought about!

Be warned: writing is old, cringey, and trash. I skimmed it and tried to fix it up but let's be so fr

Or: What if Takashi had become a middle school teacher before Izuku and Bakugo joined UA?

Third person pov

Aldera Junior High was a rather drab school that seemed like it was falling apart from the foundation up. It was a lesser option for most, ranked quite lowly against the other middle schools in the prefecture. It wasn't hard for Takashi Todoroki to get hired on as a teacher for one of the third year classes. A teacher had quit in the middle of the year-- ailed with some sort of illness that wouldn't be letting up anytime soon.

Their rather sudden and early retirement had sent the principal into a frenzy trying to find someone else to replace them. And who better than a young, spry man with a positive attitude and rather powerful quirk to boot? It was perfect!

Takashi was excited! He'd only be their teacher for around five or so months, but he wanted to make the most of it. He was told there were many hero hopefuls in his new homeroom, which was an exciting prospect in and of itself as far as dreams went. Takashi was ready to help them flourish to achieve their goals!

He moved down the roster and tried to commit the names to memory. He was sure they'd be hesitant to welcome a new teacher in after being so adjusted to their old one, but the brunette would have to make do! He was sure he could get them to warm up to him in no time flat.

If there was anything he absolutely loved, it was teaching. It was his greatest passion. Guiding kids and watching them grow mentally and intellectually was absolutely stunning to him, something he wouldn't trade for anything. Knowing he could lessen the strain school brought to so many students made him feel lighter.

Even now, he could still remember his stressful days struggling through middle and high school both. It wasn't fun. Having a good teacher who genuinely cared made all the difference, and he wanted to try and be that teacher for as many kids as possible! Though, he'd never handled older kids before...

Touya had been very encouraging, showering him in kisses and taking him out to celebrate at their favorite restaurant. This job was a pay raise from the kindergarten he'd previously substituted for. This meant Touya wouldn't have to take so many shady jobs! It was too wonderful a thing for him to be nervous long.

Takashi was exuberant. Absolutely overjoyed! He loved working with kids— so what if they were a bit bigger? Little kids were more his forte, but how different could middle schoolers really be? Definitely meaner and hopefully not as messy, but children were children, right?

Probably! Either way, he had very high hopes.

He could hear the class' rambunctiousness before he stepped in. He beamed, pushing open the door. Attention was almost immediately drawn to him. The door was at the front of the room, his new desk right across from him. He allowed his eyes to scan his new students as they wound down, taking their seats somewhat reluctantly.

Much better discipline than the classes he'd substituted for! Not a super high bar seeing as those courses mostly consisted of six-year-olds, but he digressed. Anything was going to be (hopefully) an improvement from his previous kids, so he'd take it all in with as much optimism as possible!

"Hello!" He chirped out cheerfully. A few snickers erupted at his peppy demeanor. Takashi didn't really mind, coming to the front-center of the room and going over the names and faces he could remember from the files he was given. He felt pretty good about it! "My name is Takashi Todoroki! I'll be your new teacher from here on out!"

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