Chapter 7

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Third person pov

If there is one thing you should never doubt about Touya, it's that he loves his family. He absolutely adores his husband, and misses his siblings everyday. So yeah, maybe he was a little put out by the fact that he was going to be thrown into a room of vicious teens who wanted his head on a platter. But it was... well, he was almost glad. Because that meant Takashi could finally do what he'd been begging to all these years. He could get to Shoto. Even if Shoto hated Touya for all he'd done, or didn't remember him. At least Takashi could finally, finally act.

There was a big chance Shoto would say no. If that happened, Touya wasn't sure what they'd do. They could still open a case against Endeavor, even if it wasn't to fight for Shoto. But the redhead didn't want to go against his younger brother's wishes. Especially not now, after disappearing so long. Touya felt like maybe this mistake he'd made taking this job wasn't such a bad thing. He was definitely a shitty person, but... but now...

"You'll be moved into the dorms after your first day of class, so 1-A can properly meet you first." Nezu told him as he clipped on the bracelets. They were an odd, flexible metal that was a little less than a centimeter thick. He immediately felt them mold to the shape of his wrist, his quirk getting pushed back and out of use. It was almost a relief to feel the scalding heat flood out of his veins and back to its point of origin. 

"Right." Touya had no room to fight, and he wasn't about to try and make any. Especially not without Takashi's support. 

"Excellent! I'm glad we see eye-to-eye on this. You'll also won't be able to take those off at first during hero training. I hope you can understand why." Nezu nodded towards the bracelets. Touya could get behind that as well. It was agreeable all things considered. He had aided in a kidnapping, willing participant or not. He'd also almost burned the faces off a forth of the kids he was being thrown into a classroom with.

"Yes, sir." Touya agreed. His quirk was hard enough to control anyway. Maybe having it pushed back for a week or two would do it some good. That, or it would be the same as holding your thumb over the mouth of a running water hose. All the pressure would build and build until it came shooting out in a destructive blaze of blue fire. Touya shivered at the mere though of the chaos that would ensue.

There was a knock on the door that drew their attention. Touya felt his heart rate pick up slightly when he felt a faint tugging sensation in his chest. Takashi was on the other side of that door... but why was he crying? The thought of Shoto saying no crossed his mind again, and his throat tightened. What if... Shoto didn't want to have any contact? Couldn't accept that his older brother was a total scumbag, and just...

"Come in, come in!" Nezu urged with a smile. The door cracked open, and Aizawa slid in, closing it right behind him. Touya held his breath, glancing between the tired pro and the patient principal. He could tell Takashi's emotions were high. When they spiked, of course he could feel it vividly, though he had to be close by for him to get the full effect. And close by he was, because Touya felt near tears himself. It was an unsettling feeling. It felt almost as though the door were taunting him as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Shoto has agreed to meet Touya." Aizawa said simply, and the redhead almost deflated like a popped balloon out of relief. "And he's agreed to let Takashi open a case against Endeavor, which means..."

"This is rather serious." Nezu finished, though his smile didn't falter. He'd seen it coming, from how Takashi talked about the man. "We can worry about that later. Bring them in. The sooner we get this over with, the better. Don't you agree?"

Touya's mouth felt incredibly dry all of a sudden, but he nodded anyway. Anxiety began to crawl its way up his body. The urge to scratch at his scars felt nearly overwhelming as the world seemed to fall into slow motion. For the first time in years, he was going to see his baby brother again. The one he left, and the one who'd thought him to be dead up until today. It made his heart ache, and he realized that his biggest mistake wasn't taking that job. It was not going back the second he could to try and take Shoto out of there. His biggest mistake... was not listening to Takashi, and trying to get Shoto and Natsuo away, so that Fuyumi could leave, and so that they could have the life they deserved.

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