Chapter 16

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Third person pov

Rei Todoroki gazed out the window with sad eyes, pondering to herself. There wasn't all that much else for her to do. Sometimes she liked to knit, and the orderlies offered her books from time to time, but they were sorry ways to pass time. She missed all the things she used to do. She yearned to cook a meal for her kids, or run an errand that really didn't matter all that much. She wished there was music for her to dance too. A rink for her to skate on again. A place for her to use her quirk to create eccentric sculptures of fine ice.

A knock on her door drew her attention. Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shoto only came on weekends. Other than that, it was just nurses coming in to check on her. Sometimes they'd keep her company for small amounts of time before they were forced to go off to their other duties. She didn't blame them. They were paid workers... she missed having a job, really. It kept her busy. Now all she could do was... write letters to her children. And while doing so was something she adored, there was only so much to say when you were so isolated. Nothing exciting, nothing new. Her kids were her only visitors. 

"Come in!" Rei chimed tiredly, putting a smile on her face. She expected her doctor or maybe a nurse on lunch break, here to tell her of the world outside and the interesting inner workings of their life. It was quite the opposite.

It had been a long time since she'd last seen such a burst of color so bright. A man in tan khaki shorts and rainbow suspenders bounced into the room with clear joy. His shirt was such a bright yellow she almost wanted to squint, and his socks were mismatched, one neon green, and one hot pink. His shoes were covered in multi-colored cubes, and his brown hair was a mess littered with hair clips shaped like cupcakes, some like cats, and others like various fruits. It was quite the sight.

"Rei Todoroki?" The man chirped cheerfully. Carefully, she nodded. He beamed.

"I thought so! It's an honor to finally meet you, ma'am." He closed the door softly behind him, pulling a folder out from behind his back. His arms were covered in rubber bracelets of every shade. She had to pry her eyes from them to look into his sparking green irises, distracted by the vibrancy. 

"It's... nice to meet you as well. Can I ask who you are?" Rei took it in stride, trying not to look too much at the pins clipped to his shirt. He was just such a curious fellow. He seemed like a nice young man. She just... wasn't sure why he was here to see her of all people. Rei would have remembered meeting someone like this.

"My name is Takashi Todoroki. I'm actually your son-in-law. Your oldest son is my soulmate." Takashi gave a half-smile, and her jaw dropped, eyes going wide in surprise. Why hadn't anyone told her? Why had she never met him before? Takashi... Todoroki... she had a son-in-law? When was the wedding?! She didn't... this didn't make sense. Had Natsuo just now eloped to this man? Her little boy was still so young, just nineteen. Surely he would have told her if he'd found his soulmate.

"N-Natsuo never mentioned you." She managed to sputter out, eyes wide and stunned. Takashi looked perplexed or a moment before giving a bright laugh. Rei had never met someone so bright.

"No, not Natsuo, ma'am. Touya." Takashi chuckled. Rei froze, grey eyes still wide. Touya... was alive?

She remembered her dear little Touya. It had been so long since she'd last heard his name spoken. Enji had claimed him to be dead right after she was carted off the hospital, and she was absolutely heartbroken. She'd always struggled with Touya. Between his bright red hair and shining turquoise eyes, he took after his father a terrifying amount, which led to herself and him avoiding one another. It was something she'd always regretted. She mourned him every day. Her son... her first baby boy...

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