Chapter 3

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Third person pov

Touya was sulking. What man on the way to his own arrest wouldn't be? Takashi was bouncing along all happy like, swinging their conjoined hands like this was a good thing. Morally, it probably was the best course of action. Not that Touya really wanted to apologize. Maybe make his case in court, serve some time, and wear an ankle monitor for the next ten years. That sounded about right. Maybe some quirk-suppressing bracelets too.

He didn't want to ruin Takashi's life. The brunette was strong, but the press was brutal. They would not hesitate to rip him apart for being soulmates with Touya. For marrying him, and defending him. They wouldn't care about the bond. They'd tear Takashi and Touya both down without batting an eye. Milk them for a good story. They wouldn't care much about Takashi or how the green-eyed man felt. They were vultures.

"Oh, you need to apologize to that other woman who was kidnapped as well! If they'll let you." Takashi said thoughtfully. Touya gazed down at him with the driest expression he could muster. Taka immediately pouted. "Please? For me?"

"...Only because I love you." Touya grumbled reluctantly. The things he did for his soulmate. What was next? He'd have to go have a heart-to-heart with his dear old dad? Wait... would he have to? This was a horrible idea. What if Takashi got in trouble too?! For housing a criminal and all. They were soulmates, so maybe the charges against the brunette wouldn't be too bad. Who would ever hesitate to protect the person they were destined to be with?

"You're the sweetest." Takashi cooed up at him in response. Touya felt the tips of his ears get hot. He scowled. He was completely done for.

"Do you really think this is a good idea? I mean, fuck, Taka. I helped kidnap a kid, and almost burned a few others to death." Touya frowned. Yeah, he was a total shitbag. Takashi was literally only here because of the soulmate bond at this point, and Touya was sure of it. Someone as happy and adorable wouldn't be able to love him otherwise.

"Of course this is a horrible idea. That's why we're doing it." Takashi turned to him with one of those smiles that sometimes gave Touya nightmares. His grip on Touya's hand tightened again. "We are doing this, right?"

"Of course, honey. I swore I'd never lie to you again, right?" Touya laughed nervously, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face when Takashi's eyes flashed crimson. His husband was terrifying, and as proud as Touya was about that, damn. Touya had seen some shit, but nothing compared to Taka when he was upset. Not much angered the man. He was content almost anywhere.

However, this was a very unique situation. Touya had pulled some major shit. This wasn't something small, like him trying to use a butter knife to get some toast out of the toaster and nearly electrocuting himself. No, Touya had done something that had sparked a nationwide manhunt. There wasn't just a warrant out for his arrest. People were actively hunting him down. Searching.

"Oh, look, UA!" Taka chirped happily as the school's gates came into view. Touya blanched as he was pulled forward by a happy Takashi. Fucking hell, this was a horrible idea. He was too afraid to back out. He'd take jail time over his angry soulmate any day, even if he love and adored Takashi with everything in him.

"I still think-" Touya was cut off by another smile, "-that you're adorable and I love you." 

"Aw, thanks! You're the best, babe." Taka chirped happily, either not noticing Touya's horrid save or not caring. Either one was fine with Touya. He didn't want to go down via judo flip in the middle of the street right before his arrest. Of all the ways to go out, being incapacitated by a 5'3" man in galaxy suspenders wasn't one on his list.

There were two teachers stationed at the gate as they got closer. One was Snipe, and he looked up and immediately pulled out a walkie-talkie and a gun. And that was it. That was the moment Touya knew there was absolutely no turning back. He could only watch in horror as teachers began to flood out of the building and rush towards the front gate as Takashi fearlessly marched forward.

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