Chapter 11

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Third person pov

Takashi got to work packing as soon as he reached the apartment he and his husband had been accommodating ever since his grandmother died. He got Touya's cat blanket, and tipped the entire sock drawer into a bag. He did the same with the underwear one, watching it all slip into the duffel. He smiled to himself. It was a little saddening, having to come here to a place that had been their home for so long and pack up their belongings to take elsewhere. He knew they'd be back, though. Hopefully with Shoto.

He wished Touya was here. He already missed him, and it hadn't been all that long since they were last together, holding hands. He couldn't stop himself from being saddened. He'd been working hard to put up a cheerful front for his husband and for the students. Smiling brought reassurance to himself and the others around him. So he did it. He wanted everyone to be happy and okay, and comfortable. It stressed him out that he couldn't help everyone feel better. Especially Touya.

Takashi basically took the entire closet with him. He pulled out any bags he could find. Suitcases, backpacks, messenger bags. He even found some boxes to put some of their more personal belongings in, so the room would feel more like home. He knew how hard this was on Touya. Takashi wanted him to be as comfortable as possible while he navigated through UA. He pulled their photos off the walls and placed them carefully in the box. Photos taken at their rehearsals, and after their plays. Pictures of them in tap lessons, and a picture taken on their wedding day. Them at a pride parade, their hands linked and arms smeared in multi-color paint. Them at a breakfast cafe, and them sharing a milkshake at a pizza joint.

They'd made an endless amount of memories together. Putting them all in a box hurt a little. He did it anyway. Takashi tried to get as much as he could. He would have taken the bed if there wasn't one already at UA. He settled for snagging the pillows and blankets instead. He pulled off the sheets, and even grabbed the lamps off the bedside tables. Touya's was black with a leathery base, while Takashi's was bright pink with a shade that made it look like a cupcake. Takashi felt himself smile at the contrast.

He loved Touya. He loved him, he loved him, god, he loved him! They were both so different, but also the same despite that. It was an odd pairing, but he loved it. He wouldn't trade Touya for the world. He'd never felt such a connection to someone. He'd never adored someone like that. He'd found his soulmate young. Shoto had done the same, and he was going to realize what a blessing that was. Takashi was glad. Entering adulthood with someone you loved and trusted was something not many people got.

Lifting the boxes and bags wasn't an issue. It was getting them stacked that was the issue. He managed to get them all outside first, earning a few concerned glances from the neighbors. Most of them were either old as dirt or shadier than Touya's wardrobe, but they were also reasonably polite. For the most part, anyway. Half of them were without a doubt drug dealers, and the other half were addicts, but that was fine! They were pleasant people nonetheless! 

He lifted the hulking stack of boxes and suitcases with one hand, thinking about how much Endeavor sucked as he did so. Thinking about Touya's father always annoyed him enough to activate his quirk. With red eyes, he started down the street with quite a few bags slung over his shoulders. He hoped Touya was alright without him there. And that he was okay with all the things he grabbed. He'd emptied the pantry, stopping just short of bringing the entire fridge with him.

Snipe seemed to be a usual at the gate. Seeing as he was a good shot, it made sense. He could K.O. someone from a distance by simply pulling a trigger. Takashi didn't doubt there were other pros lingering about, ready to pounce on any threats that might come up. Takashi waved with his free hand, which was beginning to turn red. Endeavor was just... thinking about him really pissed Takashi off, that's all! Nothing to worry about!

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