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I saw mintyfreshhoe's idea and knew I had to go for it like omg

This does NOT effect the story.

Happy pride month, everyone! No matter your sexuality, know that you're all amazing and deserve the world. Maybe you like one gender, maybe you like two. Maybe you like all, or maybe you like none. Either way, you are who you are, and you should definitely be proud of that. It's like four AM. I'm not an inspirational person. I love you all and you're amazing, though, so there's some tea.

This is not edited. I do not have the WILLPOWER to try and edit this thing. It gets shitty the further you go as my will to live (surprisingly, I still had some lying around) is slowly sucked out of me. Godspeed, brothers. Good luck.

Third person pov

Endeavor is a practical man. At least, that's how he views himself. Sure, he's a bit cynical, and fairly rude most of the time, but sometimes he can't help but be snappish. Being the Number One hero is hard. The realization of  what it meant to be a pillar for the people of not only Japan, but for the world, wasn't something he'd fully realized before. But now All Might had fallen, and the Flame Hero had no choice but to fill his shoes and make the best out of what was quite frankly a shitty situation.

He still patrolled. He was easily recognizable. People gave him a wide girth, and if they weren't doing that, then they were swarming him and showering him in praises. There wasn't a person he'd run into so far who didn't admire him, barring any family. He supposed what his family thought of him should mean something. If he could even really count Takashi as family, that is. The man had it out for him. Endeavor couldn't really blame the man, and that's why he was trying to change. 

Anger Management wasn't the easiest. For one thing, it pissed him off. He was above it! There was also his view on soulmates, which didn't really help seeing as all his children aside from Natsuo had one. Shoto's was the worst, because it was All Might's little prodigy that fate had matched him with. The bond couldn't possibly be all that strong, however. Shoto was powerful. He could defy it, if he wanted to. But no, instead he continued to refuse what he was born and raised to be. He was allowing himself to have a weakness, and Enji despised that.

He found himself patrolling down the street of one of the... poorer areas of Japan. Half for appearances, and half because of how high the crime rate was. Even with how sorry the place was, it was still bustling. People awed and at his flaming form. The act of having his quirk on constantly was definitely an act of power, and it worked most of the time. People viewed him as someone who could endure. He was admirable in that way. Unshakable. Someone they could lean on during the world's recovery from All Might's fall.

Still, that didn't make patrolling in areas like these at all enjoyable. He knew he was near a college campus, which meant lots of pictures, selfies, and chattering young folk who didn't know how to shut up or act with any maturity. The streets were disgusting and the alleys were even worse. Shady types lingered around and drugs were slipped from from person to person as hands brushed. Several people were publicly intoxicated, their alcohol badly disguised by paper bags.

It was, overall, a shit hole. That was just to put it simply. Endeavor had to constantly remind himself not to grimace at civilians. Doing so wouldn't look good, especially not with how many people kept blatantly stopping in the middle of whatever they were doing to take photos and videos of him. He supposed it was somewhat flattering, but mostly irritating if he was being honest with himself. Still, he'd learned how to mask his annoyance long, long ago.

He briskly turned the corner, only to slam into someone and send them sprawling to the ground. Sparks shot across Endeavor's body at the point of impact, stunning him momentarily as he wordlessly gaped at the short someone he'd just managed to knock over.

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