Chapter 20

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So like, y'all know that one shot? With Hoshi? Should I like,,,, arrest Endeavor or like,,, add Hoshi into... this story for realsies? Here let's have a vote

Comment HERE if you want Endeavor to burn in prison and just overall get fucked

Pros of this choice:
-Endeavor goes to jail
-Endeavor burns
-Throw down in court 
-Takashi flipping off the police car that takes him away
-They get the Endeavor estate 

-No gay Endeavor
-There is no Endeavor redemption
-The relationship between Endeavor and his kiddos never repairs like not even a little
-Less juicy plot
-No smol gay son

Comment HERE if you want to throw Hoshi at him and hope for the best

Pros of this choice:
-Redemption on Endeavor's part
-Hoshi is cute duh
-Endeavor is forced to be a good father because Hoshi will kill him if he isn't
-Takashi and Hoshi become best friends
-Endeavor has to deal with that
-Juicy plot. Actual tea potential y'all
-Rei gets the chance to kick Endeavor in the-

-Endeavor doesn't burn in jail
-No court throwdown
-Takashi doesn't get to sister snatch the Todoroki estate ngl
-Hoshi is an absolute dumbass be warned

Alright cool leggo. This chapter is basically me making a possible opening for Hoshi should you want him, but if you don't then I can easily swipe it away and burn Endeavor at the stake. 

Third person pov

Tsukauchi had no idea what to do as he approached UA. There was now a huge conflict of interest here. Rei was his soulmate, so of course he'd be siding with her. It didn't matter that she was right and most definitely the victim here. Would everything he collected even be valid anymore now that he'd found her? Even she had seemed unsure, though overjoyed to have finally met him. He was as well, of course. It was the best day of his life! He just... wasn't too sure what to do anymore.

He wasn't positive whether or not there was a way to prove he hadn't known Rei was his soulmate before getting himself involved. There were no other lie-detecting quirks on the force, so he'd have to rely on his allies in the field and his own reputation for being an honest cop. There were a lot of Endeavor fans out there. He was the Number One hero now, and people were desperate to see him fill All Might's shoes. Even if that mind blindsiding themselves to what was going on behind closed doors. And yeah, the court orders had already gone through for the divorce, so that was over, but the custody of Shoto Todoroki was another matter all together. Though, the teen was old enough... there was a chance they'd let him pick where he wanted to be.

Snipe nodded to him as he flashed his pass, and he nodded back. Endeavor had apparently come onto the campus a few days prior, and Hawks had been forced to intervene. The incident wasn't being portrayed for the public to see, kept under tight wraps so the Todoroki family could keep their privacy. After all, nobody knew UA had Touya in reform yet, nor did they know Hawks was Fuyumi's destined soulmate.

He and Rei had spent the last few days just talking and getting to know each other. Tsukauchi had decided it best to break the news to Takashi and Touya in person. Rei was going to meet with Fuyumi and Natsuo at a secluded cafe elsewhere at the moment. That meant the detective was on his own. He was sure Izuku Midoriya would be there as well-- though he wasn't sure. He hadn't asked, but he was quite sure the green-haired boy was Shoto's soulmate. 

Parking his car didn't take as long as he wished it did. Tsukauchi wasn't usually a procrastinator, but he was feeling jittery and like he really didn't want to do this. Could you blame him? This case could crumble around him, and Takashi and Touya could lose the progress they'd made. Tsukauchi was only glad Endeavor wasn't aware of Touya's existence. He and his legal team would have gone for the throat on the matter given just a little more information. Takashi had dealt with the flame hero well.

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