Chapter 28

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Third person pov

Fuyumi knew they had more than enough room at the Todoroki estate for all the homeless children Takashi was currently housing. The idea of kids so young out and alone on the streets made her feel sick to her stomach. She wanted more than anything to invite them in, but knew it wasn't likely to happen. With her father around, she wasn't sure it would be a good thing anyway. Even if he did appear to be... happier, and apologetic. Just looking back on how he'd dealt with them when they were children was enough to dissuade her from the idea. 

"You could try asking him." Hawks supposed. "You said he's been in better spirits lately, right? You could close off a part of the house for them temporarily until you can find them loving families."

"But then someone would have to stay with them, and I know how badly you want me to move out. I want to move out too." Fuyumi said, feeling disheartened. She loved the idea of bringing the children in, and she knew her soulmate could tell as much. It was just a shame she couldn't. She yearned to help-- especially after all Takashi had done for her. She just...

"Fuyumi, I just want to be with you. I want us to be together! And if you can get your dad to agree, that can be here." Hawks waved a hand about. They were in the main living room. She knew Hawks wasn't all that into the traditional Japanese look, but the fact that he was willing to try meant a lot. She gave a weak smile. There's no way her father would agree to house Hawks. Especially not after their little scuffle. Hawks being here was risky as it was, but she had it under good authority that he'd be gone most of the day. That good authority being Natsuo having overheard him saying he was taking the day off to attend to something while the white-haired young man was trying to shower, but Fuyumi would take the information either way.

Her dad had been an enigma as of late. He had his ups and downs, but she was still afraid in the end. He seemed almost like a different person at times. Fuyumi... wasn't sure how to deal with that. It's not as though she'd really seen him lately. Apparently, he was taking off a lot of work for some unknown reason, and he appeared... happier. Not monumentally, but he was smiling. That was something considering the fact that Fuyumi quite literally never saw him do that. Like, ever. Not without any sort of cockiness behind it, that is.

"I don't know. I... I've always wanted my family to be just that-- a family. I... I know that'll never happen. Not with how my dad is, and not with all that's going on with Shoto." Fuyumi shook her head. Would it be pathetic to admit she felt like crying? Sometimes the frustration was just too much. "I just wish-"

She was cut off by the sound of the front door opening. She immediately tensed, and so did Hawks. They shared a wide eyed look, neither moving or really knowing how to react. Natsuo was in class and would've texted were he going to swing by. There was no way it was Shoto, and that was pretty much everyone on the short list of people that could gain access to the home. There was a gate that required a code to get into the property, and a fair amount of security that her father could observe from his phone. Hawks only got in because he had the advantage of flight.

"You did say your father was going to be out all day, right?" Hawks asked in a hushed tone, still not moving from his place.

"The information wasn't the most reliable." Fuyumi admitted as footsteps too light to be her father's trotted into the home.

"This place gets bigger and bigger every time I'm here." Hoshi insisted as he darted from the front door and into the living room area  where he and Enji had played Just Dance the last time he was here. He'd only been to Enji's house a few times, but it felt more and more spacious every time he saw it. It was too big for the small amount of people who lived here. It was just Enji, sometimes his sons, and Fuyumi, who was moving out. Speaking of Fuyumi, wasn't that her on the couch? "Oh, shit."

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