Chapter 19

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Pride month contest at the bottom yo hollaaaa

Third person pov

Shoto jumped up from his place on the couch as Takashi pulled Fuyumi in, his skin and eyes crimson red and his shoulders tense. Touya spun around, halting his pacing in favor of going to his pissed off soulmate and sister. Fuyumi's face felt sticky and gross from crying. With Hawks' arrival, it was as though the fight had been drained right out of her. Like her body finally recognized that she was safe for the time being. That being said, she also felt indescribably tired at the same time. She wasn't sure how to feel.

"You're okay. It's okay." Touya wrapped Takashi up in a hug, his voice barely rising over a mutter. Shoto went to Fuyumi immediately, pulling her carefully towards the couch so she could sit down. He knew the sinking relief that came after the danger Endeavor brought with him passed. Takashi buried his face Touya's shoulder rather than trying to look over it at the trembling young woman. He knew it would only make him angrier, and rage was the last thing Fuyumi needed right now.

Touya didn't know how to feel. He hadn't seen his father. He knew he couldn't risk being seen. Still, he could hear the man. His booming voice carried easily into the dorm. He was terrifyingly close, and it made Touya's heart clench in a way that pissed him off. He didn't want to be afraid. Of course he didn't. All Touya wanted to do was stand up against him. Why was he still so scared? It angered him that Endeavor still had any amount of control over him.

"What is Hawks doing here, anyway?" A voice carried from the next room over, but it wasn't paid much heed. Izuku rushed off to the kitchen to get Fuyumi a glass of cold water while Shoto rubbed her back. Touya knew he should turn around and comfort her as well, but Takashi needed him just as much as she did right now. So, the scarred man held him. Fuyumi was alright. Takashi was his soulmate and his husband, and Touya had a duty to help him, and to make sure he didn't commit murder. 

Fuyumi took a few deep breaths, closing her eyes and willing her tears to stop. She was fine. She'd had worse, and both her and Shoto were okay. Touya and Takashi were here. They wouldn't let anything happen to them. Even so, Fuyumi knew her father would never take it that far. Things would be alright. This school was crawling with heroes and hero hopefuls. Shoto's class would surely step up in the face of danger if it were required. 

"Is he the one, then?" Shoto asked quietly as Takashi took a few steadying breaths. It was fine. He was just... he couldn't believe Endeavor slipped past him. He should have thrown him back, regardless of the flames. What were a few burns so long as Fuyumi was safe and protected? The heat had surprised and startled him. It wouldn't happen again, of that Takashi was sure. He'd walk through hell and back if it was needed. He couldn't allow himself to react that way again. Living with Touya, you'd think he'd be more used to a little heat. God, it was pathetic.

"It's alright. You did good." Touya assured, pulling away and looking down at his husband with a half smile. He turned to Fuyumi as she nodded, sputtering something about soulmates, and Hawks. Takashi shook out his hands and forced a smile onto his face to try and fight back his simmering anger. Shoto was tense by his sister. He was trying to hold it together for Fuyumi, but you could see the tension in his face and shoulders. The boy was scared Endeavor would be taking him. Even Touya could see it in his eyes, and in the way he didn't relax in the slightest even when Izuku re-entered the room.

"Y-Yes. Hawks is my soulmate. I-I met him a while back, b-but... I was scared. Too scared to pursue it." Fuyumi whispered, wringing her hands together and taking another deep breath. Takashi squeezed Touya's hand. He also looked concerned, eyes darting between Takashi and Shoto, aching to ask what would be happening with his younger brother. The green-eyed man crouched down in front of Fuyumi. The brunette could almost see the moment her eyes turned to steel. Endeavor brushed Fuyumi off quite often, but he had no idea how strong she really was.

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