Chapter 26

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Third person pov

Isao and the other boys exited the shower feeling refreshed, and the girls were the same. Momo had been happy to make clothes for those who needed it, producing the highest-quality material for the quirkless children. They'd pulled on the fresh clothing with hesitant smiles. Takashi had seemed very proud, his hands firmly on his hips as he observed his work. A few of the kids needed haircuts, but he'd done a pretty good job estimating sizes for each of them. They seemed fairly contented, anyway. 

"My husband's got dinner going, so we have some time to kill before it's ready! What does everyone think about a movie?" Takashi asked cheerfully, feeling extremely happy. The kids weren't about to say no to anything Takashi said. The brunette had rescued them, after all. If Isao was complying, it made sense that they would too. Plus, a movie? When was the last time they'd gotten the chance to sit down and watch one of those on an actual TV? Some of the kids couldn't remember. Others didn't want to. Isao, with the help of Miki, the sickly looking little girl, herded the children towards the living room area. They were hesitant, staying huddled in a tight little pack and averting their eyes anytime someone one of 1-A's curious students poked their head from the kitchen or dining area to peer at them.

Takashi felt a sense of pride swell in his chest as he watched all the children clamber onto the couches and arm chairs, finding spots on the plush area rug to claim as their own. Isao set the two toddlers down between several older kids, who immediately wrapped them in the blankets draped over the back of the couch to keep them from catching anything, as they were still slightly damp from showering.

"We have Netflix, if you want to find something family-friendly on there! I'll go get Touya to dish you all up some stuff. Any allergies?" Takashi checked peppily, not minding the two twin five years old boys clinging to his legs. It reminded him of his late days as a preschool teacher. It hadn't been very long since then, but he missed it dearly. He loved kids. Isao looked mildly panicked to see the two boys attached to the man who'd brought them, despite the brunette not appearing to mind. 

The small, sickly girl who Takashi had been introduced to as Miki shakily rose up her hand, averting her eyes and shrinking in on herself. Takashi kept a kind smile on his face, not even reacting as Isao began to try prying the kids off Takashi. The two boys whined in protest. This man had brought them donuts and brought them somewhere warm! Of course they didn't want to let go. He hadn't even been mean to them once, which was an upgrade from their previous placement, honestly. 

"Miki is allergic to peanuts. Not deathly, but it gives her a soar throat." Isao grumbled, tugging one of the twins off as carefully as he could. A burst of fire shot from the boy's mouth, and Takashi's eyebrows shot up. Isao sighed. "Late bloomers. Parents got rid of them too early, I guess."

Takashi frowned, but nodded, casually stepping to the left so that his foot fell upon the small flame that had been left by the boy. His brother popped off Takashi's leg to go follow his sibling, smoke puffing grumpily from his nostrils like he was a little dragon. The brunette felt his heart sing. Cute little baby boys with fire quirks? He could breakdance, he was so happy. This was such a wonderful day! He wondered if any of these other kids had, or would have, quirks. It was interesting to think about.

Touya was a bit excited in the kitchen, shoving together plates of food with the help of a beaming Izuku and a relatively content Shoto, along with Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero who all insisted on doing something. They added forks to the meals, pouring glasses of ice water for the kids and retrieving pudding cups from the fridge. Aoyama had willingly given all twenty of his up for the children once he realized why they were here, and where they'd come from. It had been tearful and dramatic, but at least the kids would get a tasty dessert now. A... glittery one, but maybe they'd enjoy the rainbow chocolate swirl.

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