Chapter 1

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Third person pov

Touya hadn't been allowed to leave the League at first, which he knew probably made Takashi all the more upset. Not only was the brunette probably pissed off, he was probably crying and worrying himself into the ground as well. Those thoughts alone made Touya's heart clench as he shuffled off towards the small apartment they shared. What they had wasn't much, but it was nice and it was cozy, and it was home.

The heroes had come to save the explosive brat they stole, which saved "Dabi" from having to spring the dumb kid himself. Thank God for that distraction. Touya had booked it. He'd gotten out of there was fast as he possibly could. He missed his soulmate, their time apart making him feel irritable and desperate. He just wanted hugs and love, which he knew he wouldn't be getting upon re-entering their home.

He was okay with dying at Takashi's hand. Touya adored him too much to be mad about it. Of course, he'd never say that. He portrayed himself a certain way. He had a reputation to keep up, after all! He was the calm, cool, collected one in the relationship. Takashi was the bubbly, erratic, joyful one. It was an odd dynamic, but it worked beautifully for them.

He pulled out his keys painstakingly slow. Just... how mad would Takashi be? He preferred death over the silent treatment, which he'd luckily only had to suffer through once... for five minutes. Takashi was constantly making noise was all! He hummed, and mumbled, and sung, and talked. He snorted, and laughed, and made the smallest snoring noises when he slept. Hearing him fall dead silent... it had been nothing short of absolutely terrifying.

He took a deep breath and prepared for the worst as he jammed his key in the lock. Shoving one of his hands in his pockets, he hunched over in a defeated sort of way as he resigned himself to his fate. He stepped into the house, tentatively raising his head to try and spot the man he missed so dearly. Because just... fuck, being away from your soulmate was rough.

The apartment was cool in contrast to the hot air outside, and the smell of something cooking immediately wafted under his nose. He felt his mouth water as he carefully shut the door, eyes searching for Takashi. It was too quiet in here for him not to have heard Touya come in, and he knew that. It only solidified the fact that he was absolutely going to get his knee caps shattered and his neck snapped.

"Taka?" He called out hesitantly, feeling rather antsy. He frowned, his staples pulling against his skin in protest.

"Ah, so you finally decided to come home." Touya jumped about a foot in the air, whirling around to face his husband. When had he gotten so close? How? "I saw some pretty interesting stuff on the news while you were away."

The relief and joy he'd felt wash over him upon seeing the short, clearly-unhappy brunette faded immediately into something closer to panic. Maybe some desperation too, but it was hard to tell.

"Taka, babe, I swear it isn't what it looks like." He blurted out quickly. He had the sudden urge to scratch at his scars, but resisted. This was no time for nervous tics. "I- fuck. I had no idea, and... and..."

"You said you were on a chain delivery job!" Takashi's green eyes narrowed, and he pointed his ladle up at the scarred man threateningly. "You lied! What are you, some sort of villain now?! You've got every police officer and hero in this country looking for you, Touya!"

He winced, guilt welling up inside him. Man, he fucked up big this time. "I'm sorry, babe. I swear I had no idea what I was going into. I was an idiot. I am an idiot." He spewed it all out quickly. He felt his chest tighten when he saw the tears in his soulmate's eyes. God, he made him cry?! What kind of soulmate was he? He was a criminal, and he was putting Takashi in danger by extension. Man, Touya had enemies. And if they knew he had a soulmate...

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