Chapter 25

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Third person pov

"No." Aizawa said bluntly. Takashi's smile didn't waver, and he adjusted his grip on the child sitting on his hip. Behind him was a line of rather hungry looking children. Most looked relatively chipper, thought the tallest of the bunch looked ready to kill someone if it came to it. His face was relatively blank, and his arms were crossed over his chest in a grumpy manner. Half of the kids were clinging to him, and the other half to the resident ball of sunshine beaming at Shota as though he hadn't just brought a small hoard of children onto school property. 

"Why not? It would just be for one night!" Takashi exclaimed chirpily. Aizawa sighed and reached up to massage his temples. Of course something like this would happen. Why wouldn't something like this happen? 

"No. How'd you even get them onto campus?" Aizawa asked, seeming too tired to deal with any of this. Takashi still remained undeterred. That wasn't much of a surprise. Aizawa wanted to say he hadn't seen this coming, but what was he really expecting? Takashi was too much of a softy. One sad looking kid was enough to get him to cave. A villain could apologize and Takashi would probably just outright forgive them, give them a pat on the back, and then proceed to make them dinner in his own home. The guy was too nice for his own good.

"We walked through the front gate, genius. The walking rock let us in." The teen jerked his thumb over his shoulder, looking tired. "Look, if you're not going to let us in, we'll just go. We don't have time for this shit."

"Oh, he'll be letting you in, dears. No need to worry." Takashi's eyes flashed red, and Aizawa resisted the urge to flash his own red back. "We both know that if the gate didn't come up to kill us all, that means it's fine with Nezu. Right?"

Aizawa stared at him for a long moment, taking a glance at the dirty faces of the several young kids around the man who was technically his teaching assistant. He let out a deep sigh through his nose, watching the way Takashi lit up with disdain. The brunette was, unfortunately, right. Nezu would've, and could've, stopped them in their tracks with ease. But he hadn't, which meant it was fine if the small army of kids Takashi had amassed entered the dorms.

"Fine." Aizawa said shortly, stepping aside in a brisk and tense manner. "But if they break anything, it's on you. Keep them under control."

"You bet! Besides, I have Isao here to help me." Takashi said brightly, and the tall teen behind him nodded in agreement. He seemed hostile, but accepting of at least Takashi. Aizawa couldn't blame the kid for being guarded. He seemed to be the primary caretaker of the eighteen children amassed around him. The one in Takashi's arms seemed no older than four, maybe even younger by his size. The rest of the children were all under twelve if he was looking at this right. It made him frown. Where'd they even come from? Why were they in this condition? 

"Right." Aizawa answered tautly, instead of asking any questions. With another smile, this one more thankful, Takashi swept past with the other children. They moved silently, their feet light. A girl around eight years old caught Aizawa's eye. She was pale and thin, with red-rimmed eyes. She looked sickly. Despite himself, Aizawa felt a pang of concern. It was irrational, but his eyes followed after her. He made a mental note to contact Recovery Girl. He didn't need any of his students getting sick.

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