Chapter 10

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Third person pov

To Class 1-A, Touya Todoroki is an unknown threat. They had little to no information on the guy, knowing only that he was a jackass who had a powerful quirk. Worse, he'd attacked their summer camp. His blue flames were something many could relate to the trauma they'd experienced there. He'd helped kidnap one of their classmates, and had almost killed a few others. Knowing that he was a Todoroki did nothing to calm them, though they were glad someone like Takashi was watching him. It was a relief to know he'd be under constant supervision.

Shoto was another odd thing, though not dangerous like his brother. It was a first for many to see him so happy. He seemed content and relieved that his brother was back, as though he knew something about him they didn't. And hey, maybe he did. They were brothers after all. Still, they were unsure. Even as Todoroki came all but bounding into the cafeteria with a small smile on his face, they couldn't shake their unease of Touya. Maybe Shoto had seen the better side of the scarred man, but they sure as shit hadn't.

Izuku looked up as Shoto approached, having sensed it naturally as any soulmate might. The half-and-half boy crouched down to mutter something to him, looking excited as he pulled back. Izuku only had to half force a smile. Seeing Shoto so overjoyed for once made his heart soar. It made the freckled teen feel like he was doing emotional back flips in the best way possible. Just to see Shoto smiling so easily in front of everyone was a load off his chest. Though he did fear Touya to an extent, he also couldn't help but feel grateful to him.

Shoto all but dragged his soulmate out of the cafeteria, taking the boy's tray in one hand and his wrist in the other. Izuku just let it happen. He didn't mind, and seldom was Shoto ever this bold and outright with his moves. The second they stepped out, he immediately began to talk. This was probably the most surprising thing that had happened all day. You see, Shoto didn't just... talk. He was relatively quiet and blunt, giving his opinion whether you wanted it or not. His words were often-times perceived as harsh or just downright rude to those who didn't know him.

Izuku listened to his soulmate explain that Takashi and Touya were actually soulmates, and that Takashi had figured it out their relationship just by looking at them. Izuku had gone slack-jawed at that, and then red in the face when Shoto laced their fingers together and sped up, claiming readily that he had something else to tell him, but that it couldn't be here. Izuku almost went tense as a dead fish. He wasn't sure what was happening, and his mind mildly struggled to process all the information intake. Not to mention he was mildly terrified of being in a room with just Touya, Mr. Takashi, and Shoto.

He knew this was coming, though. It was only natural Shoto would want to let his long lost brother in on the secret. With how happy he was to see the man, how could he not? Izuku just hadn't expected the other party to figure it out so soon. Then again, Takashi and Touya were apparently soulmates too. Izuku had... never really seen another pair of soulmates before. Maybe this would be good, then. He almost never knew how to act around Shoto and was unsure in everything he did. That being said, Touya was a criminal...

Shoto opened the door to the room they'd be eating in, and they were met by the sight of Takashi sitting sideways in Touya's lap, both of them singing along to "Hips Don't Lie" By Shakira as it played on one of their phones. And really, that's all it took for Izuku's doubts to wash away.


Lunch was an exciting affair for Izuku and Shoto. For one thing, Izuku had decided that he loved and adored both Touya and Takashi with every fiber of his being. Of course, he naturally loved Shoto more, but you get it. He liked Shoto's brother and his brother's soulmate. A lot. Touya and Takashi had welcomed him to the family with excited hugs and unobtainable grins, and the former had apologized for what happened and explained, and then clued in Izuku on the fact that Takashi would be fighting for custody over Shoto and for medical reign over Rei Todoroki. 

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