C03 || Senātus Populusque Rōmānus

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Percy liked the Avengers

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Percy liked the Avengers. They were very interesting people. A little weird, but they were awesome. Eating with the Avengers was like sitting in Camp. They made her feel like she was apart of their family and the way they treated her mother, was just fantastic. She was very happy to see that they had welcomed her mom with loving arms, which was really the only thing she cared about. Percy could let herself relax once she knew her mother was safe and happy with the Avengers, she didn't need to be on constant guard; ready to attack, if needed. Percy met James Rhodes first, or Rhodey, as he preferred. Rhodey was a kind man, a soldier. He reminded Percy a lot of Chiron; wise and kind, but he didn't take shit from anybody. He's the reason why Tony wasn't dead somewhere. Steve Rogers was next Avengers she met. The Captain was a little shy and very socially awkward, he stammered over every word and he flushed when he spoke. Sam was sarcastic and playful, much like the Stoll brothers. She already loved him. Finally, Percy met James Barnes, kind of. James hung back, sticking to the shadows. They said he meant well, he was recovering.

Clint Barton and Doctor Banner were not there. Neither was Thor. Clint was doing SHIELD work and Doctor Banner was out doing this science thing, while Thor was off world. Not that they would know, but she already knew Thor. Halfbloods of the Greek Pantheon weren't the only ones to exists, most existed. Percy knew Roman, Egyptian, Norse and Hindu Halfbloods.

She was actually friends with the child of Loki, Alex Fierro. Because of that, Percy's met Thor several times. He was a flirt.

Thor was one only of the Gods, who she actually liked. Thor did not cause trouble, nor did he hate her kind. He happened to be one of the only Gods who didn't have any children with mortals. Thor was her guide for whenever Percy visited Asgard, on Godly business, for her father or King Zeus and Poseidon hated him. Poseidon didn't like how Thor flirted with Percy, or how Percy reciprocated to his flirtations. He did not like that Percy befriended him or any of the other Asgardian's. Poseidon was what you'd call an overly protective, helicopter parent... they were rare for the Halfbloods, Gods usually didn't care, so Percy knew she was lucky. Percy thought his angst towards Thor was hilarious, so she did what any loving daughter would do, Percy encouraged Thor's playfulness. It was very, very fun for her.

The few Avengers that she's just met all liked her, it's what she thought, anyways. Sam and Rhodey did everything to make conversation with Percy, teasing Tony for his love towards Sally, making him blush, it was very fun. While Steve continued to be awkward. As it turns out, Dr. Erskine's serum couldn't fix everything. He's still a very socially awkward person, who knew absolutely nothing about women, making Percy laugh at him. Percy couldn't wait to go back to camp, and tell the Ares Cabin their favourite mortal soldier wasn't a the unfeeling GI-Joe warrior they thought he was. Percy loved annoying them.

Out of the people she has met today, she probably liked Sam the best. He's a good man, with a great sense of humour and a very honourable moral code.

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