C14 || The Mortals meeting a God

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All the Avengers stared at the newcomer, watching in shock as he extended a hand and all the spilled water just evaporated

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All the Avengers stared at the newcomer, watching in shock as he extended a hand and all the spilled water just evaporated. The man, Poseidon, smiled and turned to the heroes with an innocent look on his face as though he had not just magically made a pool of water disappear, and dry up their room. Poseidon then frowned at them, quickly becoming very annoyed by their stupid looks. Poseidon commented. "I don't understand these expressions of shock... you have all befriended that lazy imitation of a Sky God, have you not? My existence surely cannot be so surprising to you all." He snapped, referring to Thor, who frowned at the comment, incredibly insulted by the accusation. He scoffed in annoyance and he gave Poseidon a look of disdain, which caused Percy to sigh as she muttered quietly, under her breath. It was already starting, God's vs God's. This really wasn't how Percy wanted to spend the night, with the Avengers team.

"Poseidon, don't start." Sally told her ex, causing the King to pout as she did not take his side, nor will she ever take his side with this matter. She liked Thor.

"My darling, you will know when I have started." Poseidon sassed her, glaring at Thor, who had the confidence to roll his eyes, earning a scandalised inhale from Poseidon and he turned to his daughter. "Do you see how he disrespects me?!"

"Gods, dad, you sound like Hephaestus bitching about Aphrodite and Ares."

Clint cringed, grossed out. "Ew."

"You take that back!" He demanded.

Percy pursed her lips. "No."

"You do kinda sound like him." Said Sally, laughing a little while the Avengers stood around and watched them in confusion.

"... What is happening right now?"

Realising they had gotten distracted, the King of Atlantis turned his attention back onto the Avengers, using a little Greecian magic, Poseidon's clothing changed into something more traditional, he was now holding a Trident, and they stared at him, speechless, and Poseidon then properly introduced himself, projecting his voice, quite loudly. "I am Poseidon. The God of the seas, earthquakes, storms, droughts, floods and horses. I am the Earth-shaker, the Storm-bringer. King of Atlantis." They all watched him, intimidated by his voice and how he was standing, his eyes were considerably darker and the weather had become rather unpleasent. He remained like that for a few more moments, it was all rather melodramatic, but affective. He dropped the intimidating act and smiled kindly while adding. "I'm the proud father of my sweet sea pearl, Perseus Jackson, heroine of Olympus. She is my favourite." Poseidon gently pinched her chin.

"Was that all necessary?" Percy asked, slapping his hand away from her face.

He looked very proud. "Yes."

"So, you're a God? You are Poseidon? The Poseidon" Asked Rhodey, not sure if he's really a true believer of the celestial, even with everything that just happened. They nodded their heads, confirming Poseidon was in fact the King Poseidon. The looks on their faces was hilarious, and Rhodey turned to look at Percy, pointing at her, a little dumbstruck and stammered. "So... you're -- that mean you're a God too?"

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