C17 || Wanda's journey into the mind

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The Avengers were on the African Coast, going after Ultron, Percy joined them

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The Avengers were on the African Coast, going after Ultron, Percy joined them. The Demigod was excited, this was a real life quest, something which she hasn't done in years. It's thrilling. Tony wasn't thrilled; he was terrified. Tony knew he wasn't her father and that he'd no say in her life, but he did care for her as if she was his child, it surprised Tony how quickly he actually began to care for her, but he wasn't really mad about it happening. He really did like the idea of having Percy in his life -- it got him thinking about having some biological children of his own -- if it was something Sally wanted. It why Tony was so scared, he didn't want to lose Percy. He's just got this new family, and did not want to have to tell Sally that her daughter died on his watch -- when he should have protected her. Not that she even needed protection. Perseus 'Percy' Jackson was the younger daughter of the Poseidon; the God of the Seas, and she's likely marrying the Norse God of Thunder, Thor. (Tony was still not used to that). It's crazy. Regardless, this was the first time he actually felt nervous about going on a mission.

Percy smiled happily at him, like a kid in a candy store, Percy looked so different in her war gear. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail, in dark war paint, and wearing wearing ancient armour, that looked like it belonged on display in a museum, and then Tony noticed her necklace; beads of all colours and a silver Mjolnir pendant in the centre of said beads. Admittedly, the adoration the two shared was very cute.

... they found Ultron fairly easy, he wasn't exactly hard to miss. He was with a man called Ulysses Klaue, a psychopath.

The team stayed back and they listened as Klaue rambled madly to Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, yes they were both here too. Seemingly abandoning HYDRA after being able to escape in Sovokia.

When, suddenly, Ultron broke through the glass window and knocked down Klaue. He was not happy... could androids even be happy? Ultron scoffed angrily. "There is no man in charge. Let's talk business." Klaue gave Ultron some vibranium from his stash, actually looking a little shy. He smiled up at Ultron. "Upon this rock I will build my church. Vibranium." He added.

Ulysses Klaue raised an eyebrow and he helpfully pointed out. "Y'know, it came at great personal cost. It is worth billions." Ultron chuckles and put money in Klaue's bank account, making Klaue beam.

"Now, so are you." Ultron quipped. "It's all under your dummy holdings? Finance is so weird. I always say, Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich, and wait to find out which is which."

Klaue's face dropped. "Stark."

"What?" Ultron demanded.

"Tony Stark used to say that.... You're one of his." Klaue suddenly realised.

"What? I'm not!" Ultron snapped, grabbing Klaue by the arm then he ranted. "I'm not. You think I am one of Stark's puppets, his hollow men? I mean look at me, do I look like Iron Man? Stark is--" Ultron yanked on Klaue's arm and he screamed out in pure agony, Ultron just ripped his arm from his elbow, spraying blood everywhere. Ultron gasped when he realised what he just did and dropped Klaue's arm, and he actually cringed. "I'm sorry. I'm sor-- Ooh, I'm sure that's going to be okay... I am so sorry... it was-- I just I don't understand. Just don't compare me with Stark! It's a thing with me. Stark is a -- he's a sickness!" Ultron spat again.

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