C04 || Revel in the nectar of the Gods

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The Avengers tower had a large pool, it's probably the cleanest pool which Percy's ever had the pleasure of being in

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The Avengers tower had a large pool, it's probably the cleanest pool which Percy's ever had the pleasure of being in. It's like swimming in the rivers of Elysium. Percy felt like she could stay there forever. She has been under the water since everyone dispersed from the small welcome party. That was an hours ago. Percy finally rose up to the surface and pulled herself onto the side of the pool, grabbing the shabby jacket from the crumpled pile of clothing nearby. "What are you?!" Percy jumped in shock and she turned, a man was leaning against a wall, eyeing her in a suspicious manner, he was frowning, his eyes slowly dragging over her body as she stood up. The man tensed up in a defensive matter when she began to walk towards him. He reached for the weapon in the holster, on his side and Percy smiled in amusement. Then he repeated his question, this time, much harsher. "What are you?!"

"You can unclench your ass cheeks." She sighed, he stumbled back and gasped as he saw steam suddenly arise from Percy and her body dried, on it's own. She then confessed. "I'm a Halfblood. Half human; half Greek God. I'm not a threat to you."

"Halfblood?" He frowned, he was vaguely familiar with the term. HYDRA had a few in their ranks, and Percy nodded.

"Poseidon is my father." She told him.

That made sense, Percy was underwater for little over an hour, without coming up for air. Poseidon was the Sea God. "Does Sally know?" He wondered, obviously she knew. Percy nodded her head. "Tony?"

She laughed at that. "Oh, Gods no."

"But you tell me?" He quirked an eyebrow in confusion as she hummed, nodding in confirmation. Percy told him because he clearly already knew. He'd watched her in the pool, probably saw her using her gifts underwater, then he barely reacted when she dry herself, with her powers. He's the winter soldier, of course he already knew what she was... Not every Halfblood was on the side of good, there were plenty of Halfblood's on the side of HYDRA... Most notable, during the second world war, but she desperately didn't want to get into it. The Halfblood history was far too messy and too painful. He swallowed nervously and he told Percy. "I'm James."

Percy smiled. "I know who you are. Steve talks rather highly of you." James flushed at that. Steve was too kind when it came to him, he didn't think he deserved it. She introduced herself. "I'm Percy."

Percy was surprised, this was not whom she pictured when she thought about the winter soldier. Of course, he had the look; long hair; pale eyes which were incredibly beautiful, she hasn't seen a blue so deep on a mortal before; the metal arm; scars and firearms. But, he was nothing like the files say. He was awkward, he spoke very softly, in a mixed accent. He struggled to keep eye contact and flinched with every movement... She hated it, the way James reacted to even the subtlest movements. Percy wanted justice for him and to bring down those who have harmed him, Percy wanted to get revenge for him.

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