C18 || Welcome to Camp Half-Blood

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They all finally escaped their nightmares, and were understandably confused when they found themselves laying on their jet, Tony and Clint got them here

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They all finally escaped their nightmares, and were understandably confused when they found themselves laying on their jet, Tony and Clint got them here. The mood was somber, nobody wanted to talk, they were struggling mentally, how could they not be, with everything they saw? They all sat silently, curling into themselves, they were in pain. Clint flew, while Tony slowly walked between each team member with water and food, and his best comforting words. Tony was really trying his hardest but he didn't know what they all saw and heard. Wanda's used her powers on him before, he knew it was not pleasant. And, unlike him, they were not raised in loving, stable a home with two amazing parents, who spoiled them rotten. Nat, Banner and Steve, even Thor and Percy; they've been fighting for their survival since they were children. Tony could not begin to imagine the horrors forced on them, all he could do was offer his shoulder to cry on.

Tony was especially worried about Percy and Thor. They're Gods, and Wanda took them down. He really didn't like it. They're some of the toughest warriors he's ever known, and Percy currently had her head on Thor's lap, with a haunted expression in her eyes, as Thor gently ran his fingers through her hair, whispering things to her in a language that Tony didn't know.

Thor looked up at him, while Percy didn't even seem to notice his presence. "She's faced horrors no mortal could survive."

Tony frowned. "You know, I've only ever seen her waver just once... It was on the elevator when we first met. It absolutely terrified her -- she bruised Sally's arm."

He nodded, solemnly. "Aye. That would. Percy is extremely claustrophobic. They were not lying when they say the ocean does not like to be restrained."

Tony didn't know what that meant. "How do I help her?" He wondered, Thor smiled at him. It was sweet how much he cared for the daughter of his lover, but this was not something Tony could easily fix. She was not one of his robots he could tinker with when she broke down, regardless of where his heart was.

Thor told Tony, shaking his head. "Unless you can deliver that witch's head, there is nothing you can do to help." Tony's eyes widened slightly, having not expected the comment from Thor. Tony often forgets Thor was an intimidating, thousand years old Viking God, because of how sweet he was. Tony pressed his lips together quite awkwardly and shrugged, he didn't know if he could ever do what Thor was asking of him. Kill someone as an act of revenge. He hated Wanda, but he couldn't promise to take a life. It wasn't the type of person he saw himself as.

Tony left them alone, knowing Thor was more than capable of comforting Percy. He walked over to Clint, who was piloting the jet and speaking with Maria Hill, who was not happy. "The news is loving you guys. No one else is... There has been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air." She informed the heroes.

Tony sighed. "Stark Relief Foundation?"

"Already on the scene. How's the team?" Maria replied, trying to look past the two Avengers, to see the others, she cringed at the sight of them, they're distressed.

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