(68) Save My Soul | Part 1

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It was not easy pulling away from my bed this morning, but I did it.

Cami looked at me with pride in her eyes as she finished grabbing the last of her stuff.

Now that Finn was officially no longer a threat, my sunshine could safely go home without any of us fearing for her life.

I was a bit disappointed she didn't want to stay with me instead, but I got it. Cami is someone who enjoys being capable even though she has an all powerful Original vampire army to call on when she needs.

She wants to feel like she can mostly handle herself, and she can. It's less me wanting her to stay for her protection and more I enjoy getting to canoodle with my girlfriend in the morning.

My sunshine smiled. "It's good to see you up."

I shrug. "Life moves on and there's plenty to do. I'll stop by your apartment tonight."

"What for?" She asked.

"Do I need a reason?" I smirk.

She blushes. "I guess not. I'll see you then." Giving me a deep kiss before departing.

I make my way down the stairs to leave when I'm distracted by Klaus doing up the dining hall. I raise an eyebrow. "Are we expecting guests?"

Klaus looked up and smiled. "Sister! I forgot to give you an invitation." Handing me a small slip of paper.

'Join us for family brunch. 11 A.M. Your brother, Klaus.'

I sigh. "Let me guess, you sent this to Freya?"

"And Elijah." He adds. "Rebekah was exempt due to her situation."

I nod. "That's actually what I was planning to investigate today." While I was going through a severe depressive episode, Rebekah had learned the body she was inhabiting belonged to an Eva Sinclair. A witch responsible for sacrificing children for power. Which explained why so many witches were after her. Then I got a call from Elijah early this morning saying that someone attacked and kidnapped witch children last night and Rebekah was in danger. Alliance or not. "Rebekah needs our help. It's not wise for all three of us to be distracted. Especially with a matter that can be handled tomorrow."

He scoffed. "And here I thought you would be jumping at the opportunity to see Freya again. After all, you seemed to be the most warm with our estranged sister."

I roll my eyes. "Niklaus, our sister is being hunted in a mortal body. You are not hearing me. We need to be out there protecting her."

"Marcellus is more than capable of protecting her today." Klaus corrected. "You claim this matter can wait. I disagree. I think the matter of our new sister needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. And once we interrogate the true intentions of this woman, we will be stronger in our defense of Rebekah, Hope, this city. Everybody wins. So start putting down silverware. Was that all you had planned today?"

I shook my head. "Actually no. I was planning to talk to Vincent now that he was finally free of our bro-"

"Too bad." He cut me off. "This is more important."

I scoff. "More important to you that is."

He nods. "That's what I said." That's when Elijah entered the room. "There you are. Finally."

Elijah takes off his coat with an eye roll. "I was delayed."

I looked at him in concern. "How is she doing?"

He sighs. "Shaken up, but I promised her that Marcellus could handle things on his own for now as we form a bridge to our new sister."

Klaus smiles. "Our guest of honor will be here momentarily."

My Sunshine | Camille O'ConnellWhere stories live. Discover now