(61) Brotherhood of the Damned | Part 2

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Waking up felt like coming up for water. It was different from waking up from a dagger. There was no pain in my heart, no relentless hunger, and time seemed to slow down rather than pick up.

The first thing I notice when I look at my surroundings is the distorted vision of the room. Everything had a blurry tinge to it. As if I was in some kind of lucid dream. That's when it finally hit me. This is which business. My favorite!

I looked to my side and saw Kol slowly getting up, just as confused as I was until he looked around the room. Something clicked for him.

I look at my other side and see Elijah staring at us in confusion. "Niklaus? Talia?"

I rush over to him. "Elijah!" I pull him close. "How are you here? Where is here?"

"That, sister, is a brilliant question." We hear Klaus say from next to Elijah. All of us were placed in this small room. Yep! Definitely a spell.

I take a closer look at the room and notice how strange it is. The walls look like a drab cabin in the woods. Even decorated with creepy taxidermy animal heads. But the decor on the floor looks lavish. Leather chairs and fine carpet. It unnerved me. Along with everything else.

Kol looked at all of us and used his witch knowledge. "It's a chambre de chasse. A hunt room. It's where witches bring their prey for mental target practice. Our bodies are in the real world, laying dead on the floor, whilst our minds are in here, represented by these creepy animal heads." So those heads represent one of us.

But there were five of them.

Klaus scoffed. "Let me take a wild guess as to who is the author of this nightmare. FINN! Show yourself!"

The door to the cabin finally opened, revealing Finn angrily stalking towards us. Klaus tried to lunge at him, but was forced back by magic. "Save your strength. In here-I am untouchable. My magic, my rules. So, make yourselves at home. We're gonna be here for a while. At the very least, this prison is a bit more comfortable than the box you held me in for almost 900 years."

I sigh. "Trust me, Finn. We all know the feeling of being daggered. I will say, this is much more comfortable."

Klaus rolls his eyes as he gestures to the heads on the wall. "The heads are a nice touch. Let me guess....." Pointing to one. "I'm the big, bad wolf?" That one was easy. He point to the others. "Kol, the wily fox. Elijah is the noble stag, Talia the guarded lioness, and you, fittingly enough, are the boar! Bit obvious, as far as symbolism goes..."

I shrug. "I think it's kind of clever. You lot are my cubs..." Earning a groan from all of my brothers. "Though personally, Finn, I see you more as an elephant. Big, wise, and you can hold one hell of a grudge."

"Stop talking!" Finn snapped at me.

Klaus snapped back. "Don't speak to her that way! Why are we here? Don't tell me-it's about Mother? I didn't force her to drink blood and betray everything she holds dear. That was her choice."

Finn growled. "This isn't about Mother, this is about you. I want you to know how it feels to be powerless! So, I'm going to take the thing that matters most to you-the city you've come to love so much."

I scoff. "Not very unique. Mikael already tried that. Has spending so much time with our father rubbed off on you?"

Elijah rolls his eyes. "Are we quite done here? You will release us now."

Finn was already getting irritated with all of us. "I will! After sundown. Because at sundown, when the marchers of Carillon Eve take to the streets, my barrier spell drops. Marcel and his hungry vampires will be unleashed to kill their way through the Quarter! I imagine that, after their atrocities, the supernatural community of New Orleans will be forced to find another place to call home."

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