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We're busy eating our breakfast when LJ came down yawning.

"Yah! You must have stayed up late again watching something. If your Mommy hadn't scolded me last night, I would have knocked you. We can even hear the sound of what you're watching in our room." my Dad abruptly complained whe He saw my brother LJ.

"Tsk, Honey. Let do what He wants. It's like you never did that when you were young. It's better to do it here instead of messing around to other houses." my Mom interrupt of my Dad's sentence.

I don't know what they are saying. I'm just here busy eating my breakfast. I woke up early because of Michelle getting up from my bed and slowly walking to the veranda to go home. Yes, I know everything because I was already awake at that time. Then I just felt my mind wandering about what happened last night. I honestly don't know what to do. I don't want to keep it a secret from her forever. John promised to help me with the contract but still no good news heard from him. I'm impatient to wait for any news to come.

Until up to this day, I still feel bad for Grandpa, so I never spoke to him again. How many times have I begged and cried in front of him, he still stubbornly insists on going ahead with the engagement party and wedding next year.

"Aist!. Dad! How do you even know that it's me?? You know that Anntonnia's room is nearer to your room than mine. Besides, I'm awake too okay, you're not the only one. Maybe there is a ghost in the house that we don't know about?" LJ guessed.

They all looked at him while busy getting his food.

Then He looked at us too with the same intensity.

"So you were saying that you're not the one who did what we heard last night?" Mom wants to confirmed.

"Of course, Mom! If I'm going to do something secret, why would I bring it home when there's already a hotel out there!" he squinted secretly.

My Dad and Mom exchanged a surprised look. After all, it's true. LJ is the type who won't do what they don't want to do even if they say otherwise. Then they all looked at Anntonnia together. As far as they know for the two siblings, Anntonnia is more reserved and sometimes get feels awkward when her brother says something about two person in a room doing something.

"Ugh. It's insane if it's Anntonnia. Duh. I know what you were thinking. It was impossible for her and John to do that right away. There is no even engagement announcement yet. Besides John who first to announce to go home last night." explained LJ.

"What are you saying LJ?." whimsical question from Anntonnia. Since she had no idea of what they're saying.

Before LJ answered her. He take a sip his coffee first.

"Hmmm. The Ohhhhs and Ahhhhs last night. As if it was struggling for something. I didn't figure out if it's a ghost or just a random person who whispers something. At first I thought it might be a ghost. So I was awake all night and fell asleep in the morning." LJ said.

Anntonnia suddenly coughed upon hearing this. And he could feel the redness of his cheeks that reached his ears and neck.

"Take it easy Ann. Why are you suddenly coughing? It's just water." Dad handed me his cloth.

She bent down and wiped his mouth. She could feel her brother's gaze even though I wasn't looking at him.

"Okay enough of that topic. I know a priest to bless this house. Even tho, it was blessed before and even before it was built."Mom interrupted us for another debate.

Another cough coming from LJ and his face was covered with a cloth, we didn't know if He was crying or laughing because his shoulders were shaking.

Meanwhile, I was also trying to hide the reddening of my face.

MY ENDLESS LOVE(PORDEE STORY the Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now