055: Ride Or Die

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Chapter Fifty FiveRide Or DieSeason 1, Episode 12"Yeah, he's amazing

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Chapter Fifty Five
Ride Or Die
Season 1, Episode 12
"Yeah, he's amazing. You'll definitely like him."

The Davis Family and the Cushing family, apart from Addison, Sophie and Amelia's grandma, who were all back at the Davis house, where just arriving where the DOD had set up base in Smallville, right in the middle of town. Nora, Danny and Kyle had to go for a physch appointment to make sure they were still all okay after being 'mind swapped'.
"It's like 1984 out here." Amelia states looking around.
"It's just big brother doing their job. They'll be gone soon." Kyle reassures her.
"Hey, Emily!" Lana calls over to Emily who were walking over to them.
"Please Lana, don't." Emily tells her, looking anywhere but at Lana.
"Em..." Lana starts.
"She said don't." Emily's husband says.
"Woah, hold up there, Duc." Danny tells him
"You kidding me, Danny? Just look around here. That's they're doing." Duc says, pointing to Kyle and Lana.
"Hey, I made a mistake, okay?" Kyle says. "I was..."
"The only mistake made was us trusting you. And now, after what they said I did to Los Lane, Clark's son..." Emily says, befor glancing at Amelia. "And Amelia..."
"It wasn't your fault." Amelia says.
"No, it's not." Emily agrees, before looking at Lana. "It's your fault. I trusted you. How am I suppose to live with myself? How am I suppose to go back to normal?"
"I am so sorry, Emily." Lana says.
"Just stay away." Emily says, as her and her family begin to walk away.
"Emily." Nora tries.
"Hey." The group turn to see Lois walking over to them. "You're not to blame for this. Edge is."
"Yeah, well I'm not sure everyone else see's it that way." Kyle says.
"They will eventually. I'll make sure of it." Lois tells them, before looking directly at Nora, Danny and Kyle. "Before you get tested, can I talk to the three of you in private?"
"yeah. Of course." Nora says, before the three of them follow Lois to the Gazette.
"Come on you two." Lana says, turning to the girls as the group disappear through the door. "Let's go get a drink."


Amelia and Sarah were sat opposite each other in the cafe, while Lana was at the counter getting them all some milkshakes.
"What do you think Lois needed to talk to them about?" Sarah asks.
"I'm not sure. Maybe it's to do with what it was like being 'Mind-swapped.' I mean, her dad is in charge of the DOD and people are saying Superman might be turned, so maybe she's trying to find out more about it to tell her dad to help them find him and know what to do." Amelia suggests.
"Maybe." Sarah says, before sighing as she looks at her mom. "I have no idea how she can be this strong. Her and dad were just excused of helping Edge infront of everyone in town and she still has a smile on her face."
"Because she knows it's not true. And soon everyone else will." Amelia says, grabbing Sarah's hand across the table.
"Thank you." Sarah says.
"For what?" Amelia asks.
"Thank you for being my best friend. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I know that gets said a lot between best friends. But I have never been more serious of anything in my life. You, Amelia Davis, are my ride or die." Sarah says, causing Amelia to smile.
"And you, Sarah Cushing, are my ride or die, as well." Amelia says.
The girls smile at each other, before letting go of each other's hands as Lana walks over with a tray with three milkshakes on.
"A cookies and cream for Amelia, a Salted Caramel for Sarah, and a Mint Choclate Chip for me." Lana says, putting the milkshakes infront of the person as she said it. "I'm going to run the tray back to the counter, then I'll be back."
Lana then leaves again, and Amelia takes a sip of her milkshake before looking back up at Sarah.
"So, you and Jordan, we haven't had much chance to talk about it." Amelia says.
"And we're not talking about it right now with my mother listening." Sarah whispers, as Lana slowly makes her way back over to the table.
"Can you at least tell me if you guys are offical or not?" Amelia asks, stiring her milkshake with her straw, before taking another sip.
"I don't know. We kissed, but we haven't really had the chance to talk since." Sarah says.
"Well, I'm happy for you." Amelia tells her.
"Thank you." Sarah whispers, just as Lana makes it back to the table.
"So, what are we talking about?" Lana asks. causing the two girls to look at eachother and burst out laughing, as Lana looks between them confused.


The cushings had just left the Davis' to go home, so Amelia was sat in the kitchen at the breakfast bar, opening her laptop, when her grandmother walks in.
"It's nice to see that you and Sarah are still friends."Maggie says.
"We're in it for the long haul. That's why everyone at school calls us the 'Till Death Do us Part Besties'." Amelia jokes.
"Well, it's nice. What about Grayson? You still friends with him?" Maggie asks.
"Yeah, we're still super close. Don't see much of him, because he's normally hanging out with his football teammates, but we're still extremely close. He's actually dating Clark Kent's daughter now." Amelia says.
"I always liked Grayson. He's my favourite boyfriend you've had. I have heard that you're dating Clark Kent's son now though. Can't wait to meet him." Maggie says.
"Yeah, he's amazing. You'll definitely like him." Amelia says, turning back to her computer, to type in her password.
"Sweetie, can you tell me what's going on? Your parents aren't letting anything up." Maggie says.
"It's nothing. Just, stuffs going on to do with Superman. It doesn't affect us. So I wouldn't worry." Amelia says.
"You're just like your parents. Oh well, I'm going to go take a nap." Maggie says, walking over and kissing Amelia on the head. "I want to hear all about your new boyfriend when I wake up."
"Okay, GG." Ameliasays.
Maggie kisses Amelia's head one more time before leaving the kitchen, causing Amelia to let out a sigh once she knew Maggie was out of earshot.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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