How they start liking you [Jabberwock]

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Based on absolutely nothing but their character description and first 4 chapters of the game.

Haru Sagara

-pet Dad

-so if you like anomaly pets as much as he does, you're already up there.

-when you volunteer to help out at the Safari Park, he would literally be so grateful because these animals can be more than a handful

-if you are Peekaboo approved

-because when Peekaboo approves, he will be the best wingman for either of you, no matter who likes who first.

-i can literally imagine Haru talking to Peekaboo about his feelings for you;
"I know, i know Peekaboo, i just can't say it out when i'm around __ !"

-or if it's you who is scared, Peekaboo would probably make some fake emergency up just so you and Haru can spend more time together.

-he will 100% gets flustered around you when he likes you, zooms around more often and you'll think he is just busy when he is hiding from you.

-Peekaboo will get a mom in no time

Towa Otonashi

-another one who appears oblivious to love but trust me, he knows what he's doing

-Haru was right, he does have his charms

-likewise, he would be closer to you if you volunteer at the Safari Park because he spends most of his time there.

-sweetest bean of all time (unless you cross him) so once again, it's hard to know when he starts liking you

-but someone is bound to upset him at one point, no matter how close, even Haru at times, so if he never gets mad at you even though you scolded him like Haru would, it should be a pretty clear sign

-surprises you at any point of time in school,
Walking at the courtyard? He will appear from behind with a whole bunch of pretty flowers and bubbles all around
Having lessons? He will float to the glass windows to greet you and make you freak out about how high above ground he is despite knowing he can fly.

-when you pick flowers for him, he would be swooned

-makes flower crown and then later flower ring

-congratulations yall are now married

Ren Shiranami

-Sho but lazier

-absolute mood

-and i can see someone vibing well with him if they have a similar personality

-but as we all know our MC is belittled and picked on for no reason here in Darkwick, so that's not happening

-once again, you can't trust the harsh words this one says, this school is filled with a bunch of high ego ghouls

-anyway, once he figures out you aren't a bother like Haru, he would be more comfortable around you

- you two bond over games

-so now, you can hurl witty comments and insults at him when he does it to you

-always has time for a guild quest or co-op with you;
"Hey Ren! Why do you keep missing your shots?"
"Shut up and revive me, you're not the one cleaning the cage right now because of that clown,"

-gradually falls in love

-also someone who would get flustered around you especially if you like to tease him

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