Who's into who? Pt 4 (MC x Vagastrom)

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[Warning: violence and use of strong languages]

He never does roll calls, but when Sho came to report Leo hasn't returned past his curfew, he had no choice.

"That's everyone Captain,"
A burly Vagastrom student reported.

"Sho, still nothing?"
Alan asked the white haired first year.

Sho had gotten a text from Leo before, saying he would be in the library, but Sho was never one to give away their location and whereabouts.

Alan repeated, bringing the dazed Sho back,
"If you have his location, you need to tell me."

The first year sighed, having no choice but to say,
"He said, the library."

After all, it may concern her.


The hallways were devoid of light as expected.

The two sprinted like they've never done before.

Upon reaching the library, they tried to push open the heavy doors but it didn't budge whatsoever.

"Captain, there's no way,"
Sho said, seeing how there is apparently no lock at all to pick.

"It looks like the door is sealed by something,"
Alan examined the tall structure.

The two exchanged a glance before both collectively deciding to do the one thing they can;

Brute force their way in.




The anomalies continued scrapping at the door.

You didn't realise you were holding your breath, having squished by Leo and all.

"You gonna keep squeezing my hand?"
You asked the silver haired boy.

He scowled, letting your hands go instantly,
"Shut up. They will hear you."

"Who do you think is trying to break down the door?"
You couldn't help but ask.

"More weird ass creatures, how the hell would i know?"
Leo replied though he really hoped that wasn't the case.

He didn't want to get his shirt, face and hands dirty because of those creatures.

Having crouched in between a wall and a low cabinet you couldn't help but feel uneasy.

A blob of something dripped on your shoulder.

Ew, what the heck?

A growl sounded suspiciously close before another wet gloop landed on you.

Slowly, you looked up.

It was right on top of the cabinet.



"Careful Sho, i hear something behind those doors."
Alan warned as they rammed onto the door, making it creak just a bit more than before.

The first year nodded, prepared to face whatever is behind.

With a final bodyslam, the doors swung open and the creatures poured out, startling them.

Leaping straight into action, Alan whipped out his artifact pipe and swung at their heads, causing them to explode, sending blood to fly everywhere.

Sho punched them into unconsciousness and this kept up as the monsters spilled out.

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