A case for two (MC x Romeo)

341 11 3

[use of strong languages]

"Are you out of your mind?!"
Romeo scowled, placing a hand on the bridge of his nose before sighing,
"Just go and get him, make sure he returns the full sum, plus the interest,"

He tossed the file back on the table as a few of his henchmen scurried to take it and leave, apologising profusely.

Romeo huffed out in frustration, this was not the first time that third year owed him money.

"I swear these TGA's (tiresome, good-for-nothing, asshole's) will be the death of me one day,"
He muttered, taking a sip of carbonated water.



The young man choked on his water,
"Are you serious- ! EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING?"
He said while coughing.

You apologised with a sheepish smile,
"Oops, sorry,"

With a 'tsk' he glared at you,
"It's you, BB(basic bitch)."
He took a napkin out to dab his face and suit,
"What do you want now?"

"New documents from the Chancellor,"
You placed the files on his table.

He scanned through the files quickly before scoffing and setting it aside.


"What are you still doing here?"
He scowled at you.

"Uh, the Chancellor said i should go on this mission with you again."
You added,
"It says right there at the bottom of the document,"

"Oh my, i didn't realis- OF COURSE I SAW IT! But why are you still here now?"

He sighed once again, stopping himself from frowning.

"To go on the mission, of course."
You answered simply.

"Right now?"

"It says right there on the bottom of the docu-"

"OKAY, i get it,"
He stopped you before you could complete the sentence,
"Go and get the others,"


"Fine, ugh another TGA, I'll go get that BTH(blundering, thoughtless, hooligan, Taiga) and KIA(know-it-all, Ritsu)
He sighed.

"We are actually the only ones on this mission..."

He snatched the document to look through again, before groaning.
"...fine, let's just get going."

The two of you swiftly left the room.

"I'm off for a case, don't let anyone enter while I'm gone,"
He instructed a big and burly man, who was guarding the door to his office, and the man nodded.

You bit the inside of your cheeks.
This was going to be a hell of a case.


"This is an entire joke, it has to be,"
Romeo stared at the files again in outrage.
"Disguise in a matching outfit? That's not even the worse part, an outfit that looks so shabby and-"

He shuddered, pointing at the reference picture.

The two of you have just alighted from the Galaxy Express in a town.

"But isn't that just casual dressing?"
You asked, not seeing a problem with their style of outfit.

"That's exactly the problem! I don't know about you, but I'd rather die than wear this atrocious looking thing and match with you!"
He grumbled.

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