Who's into who? Pt 3 (MC x Vagastrom)

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On your search to find something nice, a campus cat came up to you.

She was black with white small scattered patterns, you always fed her around Vagastrom.

She mewed, having smelled the treats you always carried around with you.

"There you are, Checkers!"
You crouched down to pet her.

Alan asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Yeah, doesn't she look like a checkers board though?"
You looked at the captain.

He smiled,
"I suppose you are right."

He just smiled. You've never seen him do that until now.

He was standing a distance away from the cat.

"Why don't you come pet her?"
You asked,
"She's friendly, like most of the cats here of course."

Alan hesitated,
"It's okay,"

But the cat spotted him and went to circle around and brush against him.

He visibly stiffened at the contact.

"I think she likes you!"
You said, passing Alan a couple of cat treats,
"You can feed her,"

Alan gulped and slowly crouched down to give Checkers her treats.

"This is my first time in all three years here, petting a cat, can you believe that?"
He looked up at you while petting Checkers.
"Thanks to you. Ah- i meant it in a good way."

If your heart were to explode, it would be now.
For someone like Alan, he looked fearless but seeing him act so cautious around a tiny feline, was frankly adorable.

Alan took his phone out and positioned it at the cat which was nibbling away on the last treat, taking a picture of her.

You went to take a look at it.

The shot was surprisingly good for someone who hadn't taken any pictures before.

"You really learn fast, huh."
You smiled at him, and he returned one.

"Yo cap!"
You knew that horrifying voice all too well.
"And honour roll."
He smiled sickly sweet at you.

What a way to ruin things.

The smile faded from Alan's face,
"Leo, what do you want,"

"Woah, why are you so worked up? Can't i just greet my favorite Captain?"
He feigned a pout
"And my errand girl?"

Alan eyed him suspiciously,
"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well i didn't know you couldn't understand such basic words, cap."
Leo said looking at you,
"I'm sure MC knows exactly what it means,"

"Don't take me for a fool, first year."
Alan's face turned dead serious, looming over Leo.

Of course you knew.

You needed to come up with an excuse, before he blurts something out.

"Ahaha- Alan,"
You tugged on his shirt,
"It's just, well i agreed on being...his drink deliverer for a while!"
You smiled at the Vagastrom captain.

You could hear Leo scoff.

"That's right, she said it, she's my drink deliverer,"
Leo placed an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in to whisper something in your ear,

"Don't forget your job,"

"See ya around,"
The devil of a first year finally let go of you and waved while walking away.

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