The difference between being introverted and shy (MC x Subaru)

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(short fluff, like a '700+ words' kind of short)

No one really knows how it happened but one day, it just became known.
Actually, it took more than a month for others to realise they were dating.

MC and Subaru Kagami.

Some may say they are odd, others say they are quite compatible.
Opinions differ and are agreed upon, labelling them an 'oddly adorable pair'.

There's just one thing that seems to be up for debate...

"They aren't going to last long,"
Student A whispered.

"What? Why'd you think that?"
Student B questioned.

"Look at them. They barely even communicate. They're both too shy."
Student A reasoned.

"Haha, that's where you are wrong. Subaru is not shy, he is simply introverted like MC is. I'm sure they have their moments when they are out of view."
Student B refuted.

Their said protagonists were sitting at at the very front of the classroom, far away from them.
MC was reading away, it seemed she always had new books in her bag.
While Subaru, was writing down notes for the next class, how studious.

The problem was, they were a row, and a seat away from each other.

"You're both right and wrong,"
A new voice interrupted,
"Subaru is shy, MC is introverted, y'all don't get that?"
Student C rolled her eyes.

The former two shared a look of doubt, only to be met with an irritated 'tch' from the latter one,
"Just see for yourselves."

The three turned back to the couple.

Subaru looked around nervously, and at MC, before tossing a crumpled paper ball lightly that landed right on her desk.

MC thus opened the crumpled note and read it's contents, leaving an anticipating Subaru to put his head down on the table in an attempt to appear low-key.

Not long after, MC turned around to sign...

"A hut?"

"A house?"

"It's a temple, you idiots."
Student C once again corrected them,
"Probably means the Hotarubi shrine."

Subaru nodded at her sign for "temple" and MC smiled, nodding back.

"Told you guys,"

"It proves nothing at all!"
"Yeah! They could both simply be shy,"
Students B and A scowled at C.
But C just gave up explaining to the two and returned to doing her work.

What a pity, she was the only one who got it.


It was a beautiful and bright, weekend afternoon.

The couple were relaxing under a huge tree at the courtyard.

All of a sudden, MC laid down on Subaru's lap.

Oh how the boy was shocked!

He was immediately sent into a blushing, red mess but he pretended to remain as calm as he could ever be for his dear.

Of course, eventually he failed at that, as Subaru was covering his face with a worksheet, which made MC wonder why he was reading it upside down.

Another time, on a marvellous and simply divine day, the two were in each other's company once more, but within the temple in Hotarubi.

Subaru and MC were arguing!

Subaru wanted to take a walk outside the Safari to see the stunning plants and anomalous animals.

But MC wanted to stay inside, the cozy and warm nest of Hotarubi, saying how Haru, the captain of Jabberwock and manager of the Safari, will drain her out with his talking and tasks.

It was all up to a creatively and artistically talented-

MC stared at the ghoul who was narrating every single thing like a documentary.

"Oh don't mind me, MC. I am simply recording this for future reference."
Zenji smiled.

Like i was saying-

"Do you really have to?"
Subaru asked,
"Um, i meant, if it's inconvenient, you really don't need to..."
He quickly added.

"Why Subaru, of course I don't mind! If it's for a great friend like you, nothing is an inconvenience,"
Zenji reassured,
"Besides, everyone can't seem to get you two right, it's bothersome when i want to correct them but I can't."

MC and Subaru exchanged a look, before sharing a small laugh.
"Zenji, it's fine, it doesn't matter how they think of us. When we got together, we wanted to keep this relationship as private as possible."

"Because, imagine all the people that would come to me and ask me questions, all the talking i need to do..."
MC shuddered.

"Precisely, i don't want to reply such a large group of people, rushing up to me all at once."
Subaru said, as if recalling an experience quite unpleasant.

But it was no use, Zenji had already completed his writing.

"Ah, the perfect page,"
The ghoul looked proudly at the note.
"Hopefully now, people can understand there's a difference between;
Being introverted and being shy

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