Just a little bit clueless (Ghoul!MC x Sho)

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[First of all, thank you Raraayecihuy for requesting this. Like i mentioned, I'm not very good at taking in requests so apologies if it isn't up to standards.
But i had fun writing this!]

(A bit of explanation:
MC is a ghoul in the second year as per requested but it was hard to write someone who was distant yet careless. So i opted to write her as someone who appeared scary and has trouble expressing properly but wants to help people, never regarding herself hence the carelessness i hope that it's alright.
You can guess which ghoul influenced her.

Anddd Sho is her childhood friend :)))

"I'm fine,"
You reassured.

This was the third time you had broken your bones this month.

"I'm not letting you carry refrigerators anymore,"
Sho insisted.

Turns out, while you were carrying the refrigerator back from the fast food chain, a cyclist crashed into you.

Of course you had taken a heavy blow from it and your bones cracked because of it.

But you were used to bones breaking and dislocating, it happened all the time with you. Perks of being a ghoul, you supposed.

Only the pain of bones shattering were still felt by you, although you were desensitised by now.

Having worked with only Alan for one entire year, you had become just as much of a poker face as the third year ghoul.

Sho knew your stigma allowed you to fix your body back but he wasn't going to use that as an excuse.

"I told you i would go and take it myself,"
Sho chided,
"You never listen,"
He placed a plate of freshly cooked egg fried rice in front of you.

Sometimes it was hard to tell who is the older one.

You looked at him and the plate curiously.

"It's an apology,"
He said turning away to wash the pan.

You replied before eating the delicious meal.

Sho always cooked for you ever since he learnt how to.
You've tasted how his dishes improved by the years.

But food was always appreciated.


"How are you going to get it down now?"
A student asked his friend who had gotten a kite stuck on a tree.

You happened to walk by and witness the scene.

The students saw you glaring at them and shuddered.

You wondered why they looked at you like they had seen a ghost, you walked towards them nevertheless.

And without a word you started climbing the tall tree.
Usually, a fall from this height was enough to send someone to the hospital but you continued to climb it until you reached the kite and grabbed it.

The two students below looked bewildered screaming,
Ever so often.

And you were trying your best to climb down carefully, except it totally went the wrong when you missed a branch and slipped down from the tree.

There were a few gasps from students around when you landed.


Your legs ended up slightly twisted from the fall, before screams came from the students mouths.

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