Clingy Casanova (MC x Edward)

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(i was reading this old man's voicelines and greetings and suddenly thought of writing this. This is also quite short.

On a completely unrelated note, i love the nicknames that Lyca gave to the two ghouls in Obscuary ❤️)

You heaved as you carried the corpse on your back.

Well... He might as well be a corpse.

"Thank you, dear."
He said in a sickly sweet tone when you finally put him down on his bed.

You scowled at Edward.
This wasn't the first time he was found lying down on the floors of the forest before Obscuary dorm.

And almost everytime, you were unfortunate enough to meet him on your way to the house.

It's almost like he planned all of these, "coincidental" meetings.

"Alright, I'm going to go now,"
You shivered as you walked out his door.

His room was practically a chiller box that you'd never get used to.

"So soon?"
You heard but you had already closed his door.

Yeah, you weren't going to entertain him today.


"Right there,"



Anyone outside of the doors would be thinking of something really wrong right now. But in reality, you were helping this lazy vampire massage his back.

This was the favour he asked of you?

He came looking for you in a hurry just to ask for someone to massage his back?

"What am i? Your personal assistant?"
You pressed his shoulder muscle hard but he didn't react to it.

"Why of course not, love."

"Really? Because I'm starting to think otherwise,"

He turned his head to the side to look at you,
"Do you want me to massage your back for you?"
Smirking at the last part.

You smiled sarcastically,
"Then your joints will start hurting all over again, no."

He pouted and turned his head back,
"Too bad then, i would've loved to."

You rolled your eyes.

The things you put up with, just for him.


Today's lessons had taken a toll on you.
You had to stay behind until 8 p.m. and your eyes could barely stay opened.

The only light you had was from the lampposts that were far from each other.
It was all dark everywhere else.

Dragging your body to your cathedral dorm, you heard scuttering sounds near you. But knowing DarkWick, this wasn't uncommon.

Shhk... shhkk...

What was concerning, was that it was getting closer and closer.


As much as you wanted to feel anxious about it, you were simply too tired. So you tried to walk faster, only for the sound to match your pace.


The cathedral was right ahead of you but the noises were right behind you.
Starting to panic, you jogged a little, in hopes of reaching your dorm quicker.


Reaching out for your door, you opened it and shut it immediately after rushing in.

There was silence.

The thing was gone at least.

You breathed out a sigh of relief, swearing you might get a heart attack from all these anomalies one day.


He cleaned the blood off his hand and nails with a handkerchief.

Sure he was a vampire, but even he has standards for what kind of blood he drinks.

And he definitely wouldn't drink one from such a repulsive anomaly.

Seeing how you made it back to your dorm safely, Edward smirked in satisfaction. At least he saw you once today.
He took the dead remains back to Obscuary. Afterall, these corpses make great fertilisers.

Now, what shall he trouble you with tomorrow just to see you again?

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