Haven't i made it obvious? (MC x Tohma)

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[Tohma's text story got me tripping like-]

"Perhaps if you continue to 'get to know me better' , you'll see for yourself."

You stared at the message as you massaged the lathered face wash on your face.

What did he mean by that?
And how about the chunk of questions he asked prior to this text?

You shook your head. No, stop thinking wild thoughts, he was simply trying to be friendly, that's all. You were reading into it too much.

Splashing your face with water, you washed the soap off. Then you patted your face, looking into the mirror,
"Okay, let's not be delusional."

You took a towel to dry your face before changing into your uniform, grabbing your bag and leaving your personal dorm.

Classes went as per usual, and soon enough it was break time.

Kaito rushed up to you.

"Kaito? I didn't realise we were in the same class,"
The class for last period was larger than usual since it was a combined class.

"Yep, i didn't see you either until now. Let's have lunch together!"
The blonde boy grinned widely.

"Kaito? MC?"

Kaito frowned and pursed his lips into a thin line.

"Lucas? You were in this class too?"
You asked, surprised for the second time.

"Yeah, haha, what a coincidence! Let's have lunch together,"
Lucas suggested.

You nodded.

"How are you everywhere?..."
Kaito murmured.

"Hmm? Did you say something Kaito?"

"Nothing! Let's head to the cafeteria together, hahaha..."


Cafeteria was filled with people since it was an all level recess today.

"Excuse me,"
You and the other two Frostheim boys, squeezed through packs of people in order to get in line for the food, with Kaito in front, Lucas second and you following closely behind the two.

You took a metal tray and passed it to the anomaly slime in the kitchen to serve you food.

After the meal was given back to you on the tray, you headed for the desserts.

And today's one's were your absolute favorite;


You were sure there couldn't be much left. Why had they served macarons on a combined level lunch break?

You reached out for the last piece of macaron with the metal tongs, only for it to clash with another pair of tongs.


Your precious macaron disappeared from the plate.

Looking up, you narrowed your eyes at your competitor, only for greyish-blue eyes to look back at you.

"Honour student?"
Tohma asked in a slightly surprised tone.

You asked, equally surprised.

"I'm afraid there is only one macaron left,"
He stated.

"I can see that,"
You answered rather annoyed.

"My apologies but I'll be taking this,"
The monocled third year turned and walk away with your prized dessert.

You followed the delicious treat with pityful eyes.

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