Who's into who? (MC x Vagastrom)

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Where (very in character) MC is whipped and extremely flustered around the Vagastrom captain.
But is that all there is to this?
[Warning: use of strong languages]

Alan Mido,

Your mind kept wondering back to the intimidating third-year, captain of Vagastrom.

But looks can be decieving.
You see, ever since the investigation of the mysterious streamer, you had been hoping to bump into the captain at any chance you had.

It was said that Vagastrom students were notorious for being delinquents, and you agreed that the majority of them were.

You thought with such a reputation, their house captain must be someone who strongly showed such attributes.

Unbeknownst to you, Mido was one of the most level-headed person in the whole house.
Sure he was a bit scary to you at first, but once you went on an investigation with him, he was a lot more docile than you thought.

That's when it all started.

You cursed at yourself. Who even falls for someone that quickly?

The way he noticed every small thing you did and cared for you enough to buy you and Sho, another Vagastrom ghoul who was involved in the case, donuts while he was tasked to investigate.

Him being tech illiterate only made it worse.

You stared at his contact that had no profile picture.
You ought to help him set one up so people don't mistaken him for a spammer.

A familiar voice called out to you, causing you to quickly face your phone down to reply,

"Mm- yeah?"

Alan tilted his head, looking at you quizzically.

You could feel your face heat up.

Pull it together, MC!

You chided yourself.

"It's surprising to see you here, i didn't think you'd have classes on this floor,"
He said.

You didn't. Afterall, all second-years had classes one floor below.

It was lunch break for both third and second years now so you absent-mindedly wandered to the sixth floor classrooms.

"I was uh, running some errands, i'm done now though, haha..."
You laughed it off.

"I see..."
He nodded, as he went on to walk away with his friends.
Just before the fifth step he turned back, as his friends continued to walk on,
"Care to join me for lunch then-"


He was taken aback by your sudden exclamation.

"Um, i mean, yes i would love too."
You smiled widely at the captain.


On the way to the cafeteria, the other students gave you two quick glances before hurriedly making way for the grumpy-looking captain of Vagastrom.

The only people staring with admiration and not fear at Alan were basically the rest of Vagastrom.

All but two first years.

"Yo Cap! Let's have lunch together, since we're both technically the head of Vagastrom now,"
Leo appeared right beside Alan with a tray as you all went down the long line for food.

Alan eyed Leo down then looked at you. Seeing how you weren't paying attention to them, he sighed,
"Do whatever."

Leo followed his gaze, making eye contact with you for a brief moment before deciding to ignore you flatly.

You restrained yourself from waving to him.

"Ugh... tell me why we're doing this again?"
Sho groaned beside Leo, face contorted into disgust as he saw the food being served.

"Not important, you just have to do what i tell you to,"
Leo shrugged it off.

At the table, Leo continued to talk to Alan, who seemed less than interested to hear him.

"Aren't you two suppose to have classes now?"
Alan asked, frustration evident in his tone.

"It got boring, plus we hadn't had lunch earlier, did we Sho?"
Leo's face curved into a cheeky grin.

"Tsk, yeah yeah."
Sho replied with a scowl on his face.

You continued eating silently, your hopes of talking to Alan one-on-one were dashed.


3rd person perspective

Sho glanced at the honour student, her pitiful eyes kept going back and forth between Alan and her food, it was sickening and pathetic to look at.

Clearly, Leo had interrupted their lunch break for whatever reason he refused to tell Sho. And it was painfully obvious that the silly girl had a huge crush on their captain.

Her trips to the garage and pit were enough to show how much she wanted to talk to Alan. Because no one, unless they had lose screws, would ever come to Vagastrom with an excuse to share food.

But that was how Sho got to know her too.


"The tip for colouring the sign board helped a lot."
Sho said.

"You're talking to me?"
You asked, eyebrows shot up, surprised he would even speak to you.

"Who the hell else?"
He rolled his eyes.

You had come to learn that Sho enjoyed cooking, mostly for his artifact which was an anomaly motorcycle that loved to eat.
And the first year's cooking skills were not to be taken lightly either, the food he makes are delectable.

You gave a small laugh,
"Well, i'm glad it did, i would seriously eat what you cook compared to this,"
You whispered the last part, poking the food around with your fork.

"Huh? You dare compare my food to this crap?"
You could've sworn he smirked.

"My truck's always open after school to 9, do what you want with that information."
Sho said curtly.

He had a strange way of showing his gratitude.

You nodded with a smile anyway.

Alan finished his food shortly after, wanting nothing more than to get away from the blabbering first year.

"MC, are you done with your food yet?"
Alan asked, cutting off Leo mid sentence.

"Gee Cap, you could've at least replied me first,"
Leo sighed.

You hurriedly stuff the last few spoonfuls in your mouth,

The captain's eyes had a glint of gratitude before he took your tray to help you return it.

You waved goodbye to Sho, and Leo, quickly following behind Alan.


Leo cocked a brow at his friend who looked like he was in a daze,

He was snapped out of it by the sing -song tune.

With a scowl returned on his face, Sho turned to Leo,

"Aww c'mon, i had my suspicions that Cap was into the NPC, but you too? Don't make me lose my best friend to some random idiot,"
Leo pouted,

"The fuck are you on? Who's into her?"
Sho scoffed,
"And quit pulling me into your shit."

He stood up with an unfinished plate and left an amused Leo at the table,

He couldn't believe the behavior he had just seen from Sho.

Leo picked up and looked at the phone you left behind,

"This fucking klutz.
What's so good about her anyway?"

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