How they start liking you [Sinostra]

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Based on absolutely nothing but their character description and first 4 chapters of the game.

Taiga Hoshibami

-absolutely unhinged with some signs of amnesia so loving for him would be challenging

-he's that one person that you like to imagine being together with and be his favourite thing in the world but in reality it would be hell

-bump into him enough times and he'll give you a nickname (not that he hasn't already named you kitten after the third time you two meet)

-from what i can tell, he can't recognise faces, and he can't recall names, so on rare cases, he tells someone apart from another by their voice, demeanor, behavior and everything else that stands out.

-but hey, at least you know when he likes you it's not because of your appearance

-can't tell whether he wants to devour you literally or he likes you

-would be so biased when he starts to like you, other people do something that offends him, bullet to head immediately, but not you, just get out of his room and give sometime for that amnesia to act up.

-he keeps wondering why he doesn't just end you already when you do something that annoys him

-wouldn't let Romeo near you, or anyone at that matter so other people will get the hint but he himself doesn't know why he does this

-be the prey or the Harley to his Joker

Romeo Scorpius Lucci

-another unhinged ghoul but this time, it's because of greed

-this some Mafia boss kind of guy

-likes a reliable person who also doesn't get offended easily, since he randomly insults people too

-you must have the patience and heart of a saint to like this guy

-i have no idea how he would like someone but apparently he needs time to warm up to people because after you accidently gave him firecraker powder instead of, what i assume would have been some sort of grenade powder, he somehow wasn't as mad at you as you thought he would be.

-would be in denial that he likes you, because like Jin, there's no way he, a handsome flawless, perfect man would like you

-until he finds himself frowning everytime you smile goofily around some other guy

-what are you doing Romeo? you'll get frown lines on that pretty face

-100% would use some sort of acronym to confess to you, then say it meant something else

Ritsu Shinjo

-ah yes, the only sane ghoul in Sinostra, doesn't mean he's normal though.

-it's quite impossible to wow this smartass because even he can't escape the stuck up air this school holds

-would probably say his type should be someone with the same intellect...

-more like someone who doesn't mind him recording every spoken interaction and don't even get me started on the 'can you confirm that this is __ speaking?'

-with that said, he isn't a bad person though, he is just very proud of his knowledge

-read books together with him, it's the only way

-because he isn't too concerned about finding someone, the House he is placed in has enough problems for his to stick his nose into.

-but with books, he can afford to chat with you outside of his 'work time' hence getting to know you better and vice versa

-"So you do spend your time on productive things, looks like you listened to my advice." He says with a stupid satisfied grin

-he seems to get annoyed when his own knowledge is being threatened so if you're smarter than him, and you correct him in some way, prepare for some rivals to lovers type of bs.

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