How they start liking you [Obscuary]

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Rui Mizuki

-let's just get straight to the point, he a player.

-no, actually more like a sweet talker.

-so he'd look like he is interested in you right away. And that's canon so what more do i have to say.

-now the real part comes in when you make him stay interested in you. I'd say in game MC doing quite a good job with ignoring or appearing indifferent to his advances.

-so the ignoring part gives him a challenge and keeps him coming back but we all now he may give up someday if you act hard to get for too long.

-i think to really surprise him, you need to be even bolder than him. Basically be the one that flirts back.

-it's going to go from playful flirting to him actually catching feelings, then tries to show you he is genuine but ultimately realises you were only playfully flirting back and would never see him as a potential partner, and ohhh heartbreakkss but waitt you actually like him??!

-sorry that was just me planning a story in my head while reading through the new episode.

-but that's how it would most likely play out to be.

-if happy ending does exist, you'll have a gorgeous, flirtatious boyfriend who would do your fair share of laundry and cleaning for you any time, as long as you ask.

-oh and any day, you two go out is a date to him. No arguments.

Edward Hart

-ah yes, 400 year old, bloodsucking version of Romeo

-an even more hermit version of Jin with Rui as the maid, instead of a butler like Tohma.

-great-grandpa here is an old fashioned lover

-though he does seem to know quite a bit on how to make you flustered. Well of course he does, he is a good-looking vampire that has lived long enough to know how to capture a women's heart.

-doesn't seem like he would have any reason to like you but maybe it's because you're the "plainest girl he's ever met" that's why he's intrigued.

-i can see him writing letters to you everyday if he's trying to chase you. Because this man cannot go out in the day, not without someone to hold a parasol for him at least.

-and it's not like he ever goes out when he can just watch streams in the comfort of his very messy room.

-unpredictable and can appear beside you anytime, any where, except under the sun.

-i think he has a very similar loving style to Tohma, so on top of letters are small gifts. Not flowers because now we know MC has some phobia because of the curse.

-uses sixth sense to help look out for you.

-just be prepared to stay inside most of the time when you're finally together with him. Touching grass isn't something you normally do but now it would not even be an option.

Lyca Colt

-at this point, I'm just biased to people who have a bad reputation but are really just clueless and considerate.

-you two didn't start off at the right foot, but certainly landed properly at the last

-Lyca is simply someone who still needs to learn the ways of humanity, and seeing how he warmed up to you so quickly when he supposedly is scared of girls, it's a good sign.

-being locked up definitely didn't help with how he deals with other people when he gets mad at them.

-so if you stood up for him when people are talking smack about him, it's an instant rank up because he sees your sincerity.

-i'm convinced he's someone who 100% loves words of affirmation. Like you know, a dog.

-he might act all rough and tough when he did something nice for you, but once you praise him, he would be over the moon, or maybe that's not a good idea.

-when he likes you, you'd find him just sticking around you all day.

-oh and since you're already Subaru's friend, that's an extra plus on your side.

-but, regardless, he would be so confused about his own feelings when he likes you, because he won't even realise it, despite getting jealous when you're spending too much time with someone else.

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