A year of a difference (MC x Shohei)

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(ideas keep popping up this week, maybe I've reached peak insanity. Also, use of strong languages but literally only two times.)

"Oh, MC,"
Sho spotted you in the Vagastrom garage.

"Sho, heyyy,"
You grinned at the first year.

He closed his eyes in disappointment,
"Seriously? Stop with that lame ass style of greeting,"

Although he didn't really mind it when you said it.

"Hehe, is Alan in?"

"Are you here to give him the documents?"


"Well he isn't in, I'll help you pass it to him later,"
He took your documents before asking,
"Are you hungry?"

You shook your head as sat down at the counter.
But your stomach betrayed you.


Smiling sheepishly at him, you shrugged,
"Maybe i am a little hungry..."

Sho looked at you with an unamused face,
"Are you stupid? Who lies about being hungry?"




"This dish is freaking delicious Sho, best junior ever!"


That's all he was to you.
Sho sighed as he watched you devour the chicken alfredo.

"If you choke on that, I'm just going to laugh,"
He said it as a warning to you who gulped down the entire dish.

"Aw, that's such a kind reminder,"
You commented sarcastically, smiling at him.
Gosh, that smile.

the corner of your lips was stained with alfredo sauce.

"You eat like a pig you know?"

Your eyes widened,
"Where? Where's the stain?"
You knew him long enough to know whenever he said that, there was definitely food that ended up somewhere on your face other than your mouth.

Grabbing a tissue, Sho stopped himself from cleaning it off, instead dropping the tissue on your hands and pointing to the left corner of your lip,

You playfully ruffled his head like a child, to which the white headed first year only scowled and moved away from your hand.

This has happened way too many times.


"Why'd you even like her?"
Leo asked Sho in their dorm.

Leo was scrolling away on his phone on one hand while curling a dumbbell lazily on the other.

Sho huffed as he completed his 3rd set of push ups.
He didn't know what to answer.

"There's plenty of other better girls out there, prettier too,"
The silver haired ghoul reasoned, showing Sho a post of an influencer.

"Oh shut up,"
Sho shoved Leo's phone away to resume an extra set.
"What would you know about her?"

Leo sighed at his miserable friend,
"I know she's making you cook extra food when you can rest, do extra sets when your limit is up, all while messing with your head,"

Sho scoffed, completing his last push up.
Panting away, he couldn't retort what Leo had said, knowing he had a point.

"Why do you do so much anyway?"
Leo continued to poke at his friend.

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