How they start liking you [Hotarubi]

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[just like all the other ones, this contains spoilers.
But i just had to say it for this one because the twist is just too great to ruin.
I'd never live with the guilt of knowing i failed to warn those who haven't completed episode 5 that there are spoilers in this. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
So, read only if you want to know or already knew, you have been warned]

Haku Kusanagi

-after being looked at like a weirdo his whole three years in DarkWick by other students, you're the only one who wasn't freaked out by him and Zenji.

-can be quite a flirt at times, he either does it subconsciously or is fully aware of it.

-but it never goes beyond there, with anyone and everyone.

-at first he would just be doing things that would make your heart flutter and cheeks red just a tinge.

-it would then lead to people gossipping and there would be rumours about how the honour student is always seen with the vice captain of Hotarubi.

-he remains unfazed, but Zenji brings it up to him like, "Haku! What you're doing is extremely ungentlemanly! If you like her just be up-front about it."

-but he himself doesn't know how to feel, and he doesn't think he has it in him.

-he always dismisses Zenji's questioning.

-"I see her as a good friend," but finds his  eyes wandering to you when he hears your laugh at the cafeteria with other people.

-if he knows you like him, he will feel relieved and burdened at the same time.

-i do feel he's the kind of guy who would rather not start anything than to break your heart so he tells you he isn't looking for something right now.

-he'd rather hurt himself than you.

-maybe one day, he will get it together and sort his priorities and feelings for you.

-but for now, he has bigger responsibilities like being an heir to a prestigious shinto shrine. (Even though he is reluctant to be)

Subaru Kagami

-your neighborhood super shy cutie with the darkest secrets to hide.

-but alls good with him.... for now

-he keeps to himself most of the time because if he doesn't, people from outside Hotarubi are going to start prying him open, *ahem, Leo, *ahem
(He's bad at lying, yet managed to decieve us)

-you seldom see him around school but when you do, it's at a very random place like Sho's food van.

-introvert at it's finest.

-when you spot him and say hi, he gets shocked and starts panicking on the inside although he has no reason to.

-you talk to him about Lyca and suddenly he becomes calmer.

-very glad you actually care about his friend.

-tells Lyca about it all the time on how he was able to talk to you so comfortably even though he's only known you for a while.

-Bro straight up tells him he doesn't have to report to him like a child speaking about his crush to his mom.

-sent Subaru into a frenzy,  "That's not how it's like, Lyca!"

-"Su, your face is red right now."

-he will take that secret to the grave with him, although we all saw how that worked for the previous secrets.

-so, if you never pry, you'll never know.

-but you do want to know so you ask him to tutor you on the lessons you missed due to the investigation of the temple.

-this man lowkey regrets his choice of offering to help because now he has extra things to fret over.

-spills the secret eventually, though he doesn't have the slightest hope that you would reciprocate.

-faints when he hears you like him too.

-he now appears more frequently around campus after your classes to meet you.

-Leo better stay away from your boy.

Zenji Kotodama

-i saved the best for the last, the cutest for the latest, although he's not your conventional cutie.

-i now understand why they say he's always in good spirits.

-but I'd just like to say, even if you like him, it's not going to be crazier than liking Taiga or Leo.

-this man appears even less often than your typical Hotarubi students, it didn't always used to be this way though.

-I strongly believe he used to be the one that appears around school the most out of, not just Hotarubi but all the students in school.

-like he would also be at the most random places making up tunes.

-i don't see this man ever faling in love but he is a very caring person and he will take a liking to you when he knows you enjoy what he does.

-but even he knows there's boundaries.

-so he would only see you as an extremely dear friend, and fellow art enjoyer like he.

-if he finds out you like him, it would touch his heart deeply but he'll tell you that it's impossible.

- "A forbidden love, though as romantic as it sounds, i warn you to just give up on me."

-your crazy ass might just tell him if you don't find a cure for the curse, you're going to see him on the other side to be with him forever.

-he would probably be in tears after that, saying if that were to truly happen then he'd gladly be with you, but for now you better live your life proper and not let it revolve around him.

-stays a supportive and true friend for whenever you need him.

-i can just imagine you, Towa and him just casually hanging out at the Safari.

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